I have had EXTREME nipple pain the last three days ONLY in one nipple.

I know I'm not pregnant, so is this just a side effect from hormone issues related to losing weight? I'm only 23 so I doubt it's breast cancer, but last night I woke up in the middle of the night TWICE because it hurt so bad. Let me also mention that at the time of the pain, the tip of the nipple turns white. Am I paranoid?? Right now it does not hurt at all and is not sore to the touch.    — Paula Prichard (posted on August 25, 2002)

August 25, 2002
I would check with your doctor. Info from web search looks like a couple of things could be going on. 1. The homrone change does cause breast tenderness 2. Thrush(candidiasis) results in nipple tenderness and a "white plaque or curds" (This is usually for new Moms, but I know larger breasted women get yeast infection under breasts so I imagine it could affect the nipple. 3. A plugged duct, or abscess is very painful and looks like a "white pimple" (doctor may need to drain) It said that a too tight of bra can cause a plugged duct. 2&3 both require medication from doctor to clear up. To relieve pain in meantime, it said to soak in warm water or place warm compress.
   — Carrie R.

August 26, 2002
Paula, Do not assume just because you are young that you couldn't possibly have cancer. I'm not saying that it sounds like that but being in the health care field, I've seen young people who have gotten different varieties of cancers. Anyway, I agree with the other poster that you should see your doctor. It could be hormonal or something equally simple but if it's bothering you that much......the answer is simple, go to the doctor, they would know better than anyone. I hope you find out it is something easy to take care of and it will set your mind at ease. Good Luck!
   — Janine B.

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