What is a Duodenal Switch???

How is a Duodenal Switch different from Open or Lap RNY's? Do most bariatric surgeons do Duodenal Switches??? Email me at [email protected]    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on September 18, 2004)

September 18, 2004
First, congratulations for learning about the DS before you make your decision about what surgery type to have -- this is CRITICAL. You should avail yourself of the TONS of resources available to answer your questions about the DS; for example, there is a DS Forum here, and Melissa Mermaid has compiled a lot of information on her profile: A quick answer to your particular questions -- the DS is COMPLETELY different from the RNY (and open vs. lap only means the size of the incision to do either surgery) -- and in my not-so-humble opinion, is a far superious surgery. For details, see the sites mentioned. As for most surgeons doing the DS? No, no, a thousand times NO -- and it is CRITICAL that you get the best surgeon possible with a LONG track record with the DS. The DS is a more difficult procedure to perform, and unlike the RNY, cannot be learned in a weekend course. You MUST have a skilled, experienced surgeon. But the results are OH so worth it! Good luck with your research -- you are on the right road! Diana
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 19, 2004
Both surgeries are considered a Gastric By Pass. But as Diana pointed out you should do tons of research because they are very different. Neither surgery can be learned in a weekend, yes the DS is more complicated. You need to look at your lifestyle and see what works the best for you. One is not superior over the other as Diane says...they are different tools and it depends on the individual. I had the luxury of choosing the procedure I wanted and opted for an RNY over a DS for a whole host of reasons. Put please please please, do research and check out your surgeon that you choose regardless of the procedure thoroughly.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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