I read somewhere on this site about a protein powder that is flavorless

& can be cooked with. Does anybody know what it is called & where I can get it ??? Thanks in advance    — Amy M. (posted on October 28, 2002)

October 28, 2002
I got mine at She will sell samples for you to try for $1.99 so you don't have to make a big investment. She has lots of different kinds. I liked the ProCel best for the flavorless. I would urge you to try many samples as everyone's tastes are different.
   — Darlene P.

October 28, 2002 procel and updcal
   — MF

October 28, 2002
I believe you may be talking about CASEC powder. It is flavorless and you can cook with it and add it to just about anything. It's normally not in stores but your pharmacy can order it for you.
   — Kim B.

October 28, 2002
I get the ProCel/UpCalD combination from It is not too bad. A little milkier than I would have wanted, but it can be mixed with hot things. Hot chocolate is really good!
   — sammygirlwpc

October 29, 2002
hiya. i don't know about the procel the other posters wrote about - if it is a whey protein, you cannot COOK with it, you can mix it with hot drinks but not actually use it in recipes. i use Jarrow's Iso Rich Soy Protein Powder which you can cook with - i put it in almost everything. it is not carried locally tho if you live near a big town like l.a. you should be able to find it. i order mine online from and it costs about $21 for a 2# container. for 2 tbls it has 110 calories, 25g protein, 0g fat, 0g carbs, 0g sugar and yes it is flavorless! (whoohoo). i have several pages of recipes that i've added the protein to, if you'd like i can email them to you. for myself, i start each day with 1 tbls of Jarrow's Soy Protein Powder mixed with 1/2 scoop of EAS Advantage Strength Formula Chocolate Whey Protein, add about 10oz coffee, some Vitamite (milk sub) and heavy whipping cream. i absolutely cannot start my day without it. i then add the jarrow's to almost every dinner i cook. sometimes i blend it with some of the whey protein, cold coffee, vitamite/cream, ice and make a frappucino. let me know if you'd like the recipes. You can check out the nutrition info of the Jarrows at: good luck! [email protected] kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

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