I'm 5'9 280 with a BMI of 41....

What are my chances of being approved by UnitedHealth Care. HMO (open access) I have called a surgeon, they are mailing out an information packet that I will have to fill out before I am approved by the Dr. In the mean time what do I need to get form in insurance carrier?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
Hi. I have United Health Care Choice. I have been told that since they are independtly owned, they do not have to approve the surgery even if medically necessary. I was approved Nov. 2001, but several people I work with are having to appeal & fight for approval. Get a good appeal person and threaten them with a lawyer and have several drs to back you up & they should approve you. It worked for one of my friends & he's having surgery this March.
   — Pamela S.

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