What could it be?

I'm two week post op, open gastric bypass, and I'm feeling a hard bulk about 1 inch above the incision. What could it be? I saw my doctor today and he didn't find anything wrong w/me. Did any of you share my prob? If the answer is yes, how did you handle it?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 20, 2000)

July 20, 2000
I had the same problem. I had a hard knot at the top of my incision that was sometimes sensetive. I posted on this board and as people reminded just had major surgery and your body is bruised and swollen inside and out and just need time to recover. I am now 3 1/2 weeks post op and the knot is still there but not as bad. Good luck and email me if you have any questions.
   — Paula G.

July 20, 2000
I had the same thing but now, at 7 weeks out, it is almost gone. It must have been swelling. It felt like a big, hard, numb lump. Give it some time and it will soften up.
   — Barbara S.

July 20, 2000
It is not at all uncommon for you to have a lumpy area after surgery. As tissue heals blood rushes to the area and various blood cells concentrate in the area and a lumpy area can appear. If there is no redness, swelling, or warmth to touch then it is most likely just the healing process. It may reduce in size later but it may take some time.
   — [Anonymous]

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