How much weight is gained back after the RNY a few years after surgery?

I have my initial consultation with my surgeon and was reading some of the questions and answers about weight coming back on. I don't want to gain all of this back after a few years. I have been so excited about the possibility of having WLS and now I am a little worried about gaining it all back. Can someone let me know if I am worrying for nothing? Thanks, Darla Young    — Darla Y. (posted on September 29, 2001)

September 29, 2001
Hi darla. I wish I could tell you that you have nothing to worry about....but the truth is, none of the procedures is a guarantee you will keep your weight off if you think you don't have to worry about what you put into your mouth. Alot of the people on here say they will never diet or worry again, but I belong to and 2/3 of the messages on there are from rny'ers who are shocked to discover they are re-gaining their weight and talking about having to "diet" again and join gyms and "getting back on track" to lose again. This is not something anyone likes to talk about, but it's the truth. All I can say is whatever procedure you choose, vbg, proximal/distal rny, or bpd/ds, know you WILL have to think about what you are eating, how much and how often. Exercise DOES matter in the long run too. I wish you all the luck in your surgery and journey! HUGS
   — Jo C.

October 1, 2001
According to my surgeon, the average rny patient regains 5% of the weight they lost within 5 years of the surgery. If you are reasonably comliant with "the rules" you maintain your weight for life. It's worked that way for me. I lost 150lbs. four years ago. I've gained 10lbs. I eat normally. I make sure I stop eating when I feel full and I still keep my carbohydrates to around 90 grams a day. I haven't gained a pound in two years.
   — [Anonymous]

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