I have had constant migraine for over 24 hours- pseudomotor celebri?

I always seem to get headaches, and more recently migraines atleast 3 times a week. But since yesterday afternoon, I have had this horrible migraine that will not go away, despite OVC medicine, cold cloths, resting, quietness and darkness. I am unfamiliar with, but have heard of pseudomotor celebri- could that be it? I plan on going to the doc's this week, but wanted any info from anyone, has this happened to any of you?    — Lezlie Y. (posted on April 15, 2002)

April 15, 2002
I just started to get migranes after my surgery. I have had 19 since september. I was in so much pain my Doctor gave me demoral(sp?) and i sleep them off. I keep a diary now and an trying to see what sets them off. Good luck to you, they are terrible!!!! Nancy
   — nkoehler88

April 15, 2002
I have the same problem. You also might want to look up cebri psudo tumor (it's not a real tumor). Or have your dr. check you for Arnold Chiari Malformation. That is what has been causing me massive headaches. Or it could simply be high blood pressure. But those two things that I mentioned aren't usually discussed when they are talking about headaches, I have had migranes my whole life and they just said I would grow out of them, and I never did, and I was just recently diagnosed with ACM.
   — Amy F.

April 15, 2002
Hi there...if you're looking up the term it's pseudotumor cerebri.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 15, 2002
Hi, I have dealt with this issue for years. I get migraines that last for up to 7 days, the last one in February lasted 14 days. I always end up in the hospital and eventually need morphine to stop the pain. The last hospitalization it was determined that I have meningits and probably all the previous incidents were viral meningitis. I had an MRI which revealed a lingering sinus infection (years) that is triggering the meningitis. The neurologist said that while one person may get a nasty flu, the same virus would result in meningitis for me, it's just bad luck. So, please go get checked out, migraines are nothing to mess around with. Fortunately, I only get them once every 2-3 years but, I lose 1-2 weeks of my life during that time. I am seeing an immunologist to see if there is something that can be done to boost my immune system in order to fight this, as well as an ENT to try to fix this sinus problem. Best wishes to you.
   — DebPKansas

April 16, 2002
Hi. I have had PTC (pseudotumor cerebri) for approximately 10 years. I also suffer from migraine headaches. I can definitely tell the difference between my PTC headaches and my migraines. With the PTC headache, I tend to get a moderate to severe case of pulsative tinnitus (sounds like a washing machine whoosing in your temporal areas) going. At times, the pains are sharp and are usually followed by some visual disturbances. With my migraines, I tend to see auras, am sensitive to light and sound and also have nausea and vomiting. If you think you might have PTC, see a Neurologist. Traditionally, Internists are not really well equipped to deal with treating the symptoms and are often not familiar with the disease as it is pretty uncommon. If you want any additional information, feel free to send an email message. Good luck!!!
   — KathieInHawaii

April 16, 2002
Hi, i'm the poster. thanks for all of your help, I saw my doctor today and he told me to get an MRI and see neurologist, so that will be done next week. He also gave me some FIORICET, which seems to help a bit. thanks again!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 18, 2002
Have you ever tried OPC-3? It's a natural supplement that works well in conjunction with B-12. I know people that wouldn't be without this! You are welcome to email me for more info. [email protected]
   — Patti S.

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