Is there anyone thats been through this?Please help me NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ihad Vertcal banded gastric Bypass 3-2-2001.I have lost from 300 to 135. I cant eat anything but ice craem floats and pudding. I have been taking over counter vitamins. Im tired-sick-weak- hurt whenn I try to eat.I just went to a weight loss Dr.recomended.He examined -red chart- said my health wa awful and I was lucky to be alive. I am going friday to get upper gi then a port for nutrition for 10 days then surgere to widen the area and also he said I had hernias.I have mitral valve prolapse and hes concer en my body is feeding on my vital organs. Any help now would be appreciated or advice I am scared. i finaly reached my goal-now my life is in danger.I dont mean to scare future pts.---GOD BLESS [email protected]    — Karen C. (posted on July 11, 2002)

July 10, 2002
Dear one - I mean this in all kindness, and you do have my sincere sympathy, but it sounds like you have health issues that are not at all related to your WLS and your "help" must come from professionals.
   — Cathy J.

July 10, 2002
I do believe that her problems are purely physical. If you read her profile, she states that she throws up most of her food and can only tolerate things like pudding and diet ice cream floats. They will be doing surgery to widen the area. I assume they are talking about scope/dilation. She also stated that she has mitral valve prolapse. This all sounds physical to me, and is getting help from the medical doctors. She is just scared and needs support. .....I'm sorry that you are having such a tough time, I pray that you will have a speedy recovery. I wish that I could help you more, please keep us updated.
   — Cheri M.

July 10, 2002
Hi Hun: For any of us to really understand what you are going thru right now, we have to stand in your shoes....My thoughts and prayers are with you....Listen to your doctors and listen to your own what they recommend but listen to your own heart and body....Nutrition is the most important thing right now...getting your body back where you need to be....everything else can be addressed. Best of luck to you and I will say a prayer for you....
   — Joi G.

July 11, 2002
Hi Karen, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm sorry that this is happening to you, but hopefully soon, with all they (docs) want to do, you will feel much better. God bless you.
   — Carey N.

July 11, 2002
In response to the response to my note (the first one here), EXACTLY!!! Her issues ARE physical - I didn't say they weren't. I said that she has serious issues that don't seem related to WLS (mitral valve prolapse?? Cancer??) and needs intense professional help (Doctors?? Specialists?? Surgeons??) And I sympathize greatly. You can read the pain in her note. I pray that she gets the help that will REALLY help!!
   — Cathy J.

July 11, 2002
Hey everyone. I need to point out that these problems could possibly be related to her WLS. The mitral valve prolapse and her physician's comment that her body is "feeding on itself" can be due to catabolism (the body's using muscle as fuel). This is what happens to all WLS patients, to some degree, during the early stages of surgery. That's why a percentage of our early weight loss is muscle mass. If her body has been in a catabolic state for an extended period, perhaps because of malabsorption, this could cause continued muscle loss. Don't forget that the heart is a muscle, too. To the poster -- I wish you nothing but success in regaining your health. Please keep us posted as to your progress. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

July 11, 2002
Hi, I just wanted to say that I (also a RN) agree with Joyce. Karen has said both here and in her profile that she cannot tolerate anything but ice cream sodas and pudding. The reference that her doctor made to her body feeding on itself is what happens when we do not get the protein and other nutrients that we need. I have found that doctors are very fond of useing terms that scare the daylights out of us to get us to do what they want us to do. I have also heard of ketosis being described with excatly the same words. I will remember Karen in my prayers and I wish, Karen that there was more I could do for you, but it does sound like the doctor has things under control. Try to relax and trust the doctors. To every one else that reads this, please remember that we need to get all of our protein and other nutrients.
   — garnet156

July 11, 2002
I have to ask the question. Since you are able to keep down melty things, have you tried protein shakes? Pre made or powders you can shake in water? They're thin, no sugar, and will pack a wallop of nutrition once you get off TPN (if I read that right). I hope that once you are stabilized, they can find & fix your "broken" equipment and you can truly enjoy your wt loss.
   — vitalady

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