When will my BM's be 'normal' again? I don't have a gallbladder, and was used to...

Sorry for the nature of the question....Very embarrasing. I don't have a gallbladder and I am used to having semi regular BM's, but since surgery last week, I have been having explosive gas filled, BM's with too much gastric juices. It burns to go just a little. I am about to get some Vaseline cause it hurts too bad. Plus, if I am not near a toilet I could go in my pants. I had a Lap RNY. I am on a purrreed diet too. Will my BM's be more normal once I eat normal foods again? (With substance?) Thanks.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 14, 2001)

August 14, 2001
I think this is fairly normal. It happened to me, too. In a few weeks, you'll probably have the opposite problem: 3 or 4 days will go by and you'll think, "Am I ever going to go again???"
   — ctyst

August 14, 2001
Some of what you are experiencing is due to the anesthesia working itself out of your system. Anesthesia can actually stay within your system for months(per a prior surgeon of mine). That's why you're encouraged to continue walking alot. Your body is adjusting and will continue to do so. Your BM's will become more normal. I can never tell you that they'll be what they were prior to surgery but your body will create a new normal. I'm sure you'll do fine within a few weeks. I use preparation H sometimes with the witchhazel as it helps heal. Also, tucks has pads that help. Best wishes
   — Linda M.

August 14, 2001
I haven't had my surgery yet, but, I did have my gallbladder out a few months ago. Horrible BMs. The best thing to make your tushy feel better is an ointment called RESINOL. Trust me, my grandmother gave it to me...and you know grandma's know best. You may have to ask the pharmacist for it or they may have to order it because it isn't too popular, though I don't know why cause it really WORKS!!! Good luck and keep the faith that things will get better!
   — Kelley S.

August 14, 2001
Hi, My surgeons's response when I asked when I will have a solid BM was ....water in - water soon as you start solids they will firm up....I have suggested this before for helping to clean yourself but it is also great for those real burners....keep a water bottle with the pop top lid in the bathroom with you....fill with warm/hot water and use that to squirt a stream up on your bottom - it feels so good - you can also put a few tucks in a ziplock bag to keep in your purse to use while you are out. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

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