Has anyone had liver problems after the surgery??

I had my surgery 11 months ago, and I was just hospitalized for 2 and a half weeks. My surgeon says that my Gall Bladder needs to be removed (which I knew could happen because of the surgery), but he says that my liver function is abnormal. He is not sure yet why my liver function is abnormal and will be looking at it during my Gall Bladder removal, I am just wondering if anyone else has had liver problems after the surgery, I am very worried.    — Sarah C. (posted on September 2, 2001)

September 2, 2001
Sarah, I have not yet had the surgery. But, I did have extremely high liver enzymes due to gallstones passing through the liver. If your doctor is sure that you have gallstones, they could be the cause of your liver problems and will be resolved if you have your gallbladder removed.
   — Susan F.

September 2, 2001
I am 17 months Post-op. Last week I had an abnormal Liver Fuction test. My Hepatitis panel was negative. All the Liver Fuction numbers are in the 200-300 range, with 40 being normal. Hopefully I'll find out what is going on this week after the holiday. I'll let you know what they find out, and let me know if you find out something. Thanks --
   — CohenHeart

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