need to find PCP that will help with getting started

I am in the Seattle area, and Have Group Health Options, Alliant Select Plan. I just changed insurances, and my pcp I have now is not part of this insurance coverage,so I need to start over with a new pcp, one that will guide me in the right direction of finding a surgeon and getting this ball rolling. Im so lost at the moment and just feel helpless in doing this, its all pretty overwhelming to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, Jamie    — Jamie S. (posted on October 7, 2001)

October 7, 2001
I have Group Health Options. There is a web page that you can go to and right now can't seem to find it. It allows you to search for PCP within the Network of Group Health that are taking new patients. From there you can choose one that refers to Surgeons within network. Another way is to look at the local peers that have GH and see what they have to say about GH. I do know with your BMI you should be able to qualify for the WLS with out any co-morbdities. It is a chore but worth it. Good Luck in your search. If I can find the website I will e-mail it to you. Karen
   — Karen V.

November 9, 2005
I went to my PCP after I applied at Barix clinic and everything went well.
   — speciallady

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