My incision opened up and is leaking....

My incision opened up in 3 places. The very bottom part of my incision is leaking. At first it was clear tinted red. Then it became just yellow. No odor. Doctor said it's not infected. It gushes when I walk and bend over. Some on this site say it's serum. Others say it's fat necrosis--melted dead fat. What is it really? Fat or serum? I am almost 6 weeks post op and the incision is almost healed, but this tiny hole still leaks a lot. Any one else experience this?    — a W. (posted on October 24, 2001)

October 23, 2001
Beverly, I had the same thing happen to was annoying and inconvenient. At about 5 or 6 weeks, my Doctor sealed it with silver nitrate (?). They looked like extra long matches with one end tipped in silver. He just piked it on my opening (it did not hurt) and sealed it. He gave me a few wrapped up in tissue to use at home just in case...I did not need to use them, the wound sealed and stayed sealed. Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

October 23, 2001
Don't worry about it. Happened to me at the bottom of my incision. It healed up. Does rather look like I've got a second navel, but I can live with it. Keep it covered and clean; it'll be fine.
   — Chuck O.

October 24, 2001
I am 4weeks post-op. My incision started draining at the top about 2 weeks after surgery and hasn't quit. Like yours the drainage has changed from bloody, too thick yellow, and now clear. I too went to see my doctor thinking it was infected. I was told everything was fine and keep it clean and be patient. I rather have it running out than staying in. It has finally slowed where I think it will stop soon. In the struggle right with you.
   — Vanessa H.

October 24, 2001
It might be nothing. But, I'd still call my own doctor.....
   — [Anonymous]

October 24, 2001
I read your post. I started "leaking" about a week after my surgery and my Dr didnt' worry till it stopped leaking and was draining under the skin. After that I got a drain tube, and I feel alot better now. I went back to the DR today and we have to keep it in 2 more weeks, but that is OK. Good Luck -46lbs
   — Donna J.

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