Anyone have to see a psychiatrist due to a long ago history of bulimia?

I was honest on my forms that I submitted to my surgeon's office, but they won't meet with me unless I see one of their bariatric specialist psychiatrists who will determine if the bulimia I had over 15 years ago will be an issue. I will go of course, but I haven't relapsed in all that time with purging. Clearly there are some binging issues or I wouldn't have a BMI of 60. But back then it was all about purging and control and stress and I had undiagnosed GERD and a hiatal hernia. I read some of the stuff with bulimia in the database, but would really like to know if anyone else had to go through this Pre-screening.    — Lisa L. (posted on May 28, 2003)

May 28, 2003
Dear Lisa: I had to answer "yes" on my psych evaluation questionnaire to history of bulimia, however, I didn't do it very often. I told this to my psychologist. I am now being treated for depression, which was linked to the bingeing and purging and haven't done this in a long time. I'm happy to say that less than a week later I was approved for surgery! I'm hoping to have it around August 20th. Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like to discuss it further! Good Luck and God Bless...
   — Moysa B.

May 28, 2003
I have never suffered from bulimia but I did read my insurance handbook and there is an exclusion in MY handbook that stated they will not cover WLS for anyone who had been diagnosed with eating disorders such as Bulimia and anerexia(sp) You should look in your insurance handbook to see where they stand on this, my surgeon never asked this personally, not sure if it was on the stack of papers I filled out but the phycologist did ask and was shocked that I had never had either of these eating disorders. So from his reaction I would think that it is pretty common for MO people to have one or the other eating disorder. This psychologist has seen many MO WLS patients. Not sure if this helps you any just throwing stuff out there to see if it helps.
   — S C.

May 28, 2003
Hello... when I was 19-20 I suffered from Bulemia and anorexia. I am 39 now and no longer do the binge/purge thing. I mentioned past history of eating disorders but we know that anorexia and bulemia are not the only eating disorders. We all have it to some degree or another, or we would not be in this shape to start with. I wouldn't think that something you had 15 years ago would hinder your progress as far as getting the surgery. Boy insurance companies need to be educated on the whole aspect of morbid obesity. If they understood it, we would all be much better off.
   — Happy I.

May 29, 2003
Hi! I think the reason that some surgeons and or insurances are so strict about the issue of bulimia and wls is because they have come across past bulimics who purposely use the surgery in a bulimic manner.As in repeatedly and on purpose stuffing themselves until their body makes them vomit. I recently went to a seminar with a speaker who is a bariatric psychiatrist and a nutritionist.She's had 2 patients die because of this behavior.They did it continuously and both of them died because of staple line disruption and then infection due to the constant overeating and vomiting.The speaker explained that if you've had a problem with bulimia in the past, wls can trigger it because of the mechanics of the can overeat and you don't have to make yourself throw up, your pouch will do it for you.In my opinion though,I think everyone should be evaluated on an individual basis and not just lumped into one group.
   — jennifer A.

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