Going To Vegas Just over 1 Month Post Op.. Need Suggestions

I am going to Las Vegas June 16th. I had Wls on May 12thI will be almost 5 weeks post op. Does anyone have any suggestions for what I may need or where I can eat?    — christina L. (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 5, 2003
ITS HOT HERE!!!! bring can eat any where but most likely wont get a discount at buffets some will do it but most wont. I know the stratesphere gave me a discount when i went to their buffet and i have heard others mention a few others but dont recall where. You best bet is to eat a restruant...have fun and win big
   — Deanna Wise

June 5, 2003
Personally, I learned to take home doggie bags for the next day's lunch. Also, I had to learn not to order a soft drink with my meals as it was a habit I needed to break. I like going to a buffet because I can choose what is best for me-protein, protein & protein. Good Luck! Karen
   — Karen H.

June 6, 2003
Hi...I had my surgery on 4-1-03 and went to Vegas 2 weeks after..have been there 3 times since. It really was pretty easy..I had a scrambled egg and a V-8 juice for breakfast, and cottage cheese or soup for lunch/dinner at 2 weeks out. Now I jst try and order protein or a soup and drink cranberry juice with sda water in the Casinos orbottled water. You will have a great time..take yur swimming suit and send part of your day at the pool. Also if you gamble, make sure to get the Csino Players card and just charge your meal to your room..I fund that after a weekend of play, all of our meals were comped (free)..use the players card and have fun.
   — mary ellen G.

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