Having trouble with DRY MOUTH at night? Can anyone give advice?

I had surgery 7 weeks ago and have lost 46 ounds so far. My problem is VERY DRY MOUTH in the middle of the night and having to take a drink of water. I keep water by my bed, but Im not sleeping well cause I wake up at least 3 or 4 times a night! Does this dry mouth go away?? I drink water all day long!! Why am I so dry? Ive talked with Dr. he says take benedryl to see if that helps me stay asleep, but I still have the dry mouth. Could I not be getting enough fluids? Any advice please!!    — Dina L. (posted on July 10, 2002)

July 10, 2002
SAme happened to me, drink more. It happens when I don't take in enough fluids during the day.
   — Michelle M.

July 10, 2002
I too get thirsty at night. I try to drink a lot of water between 6 pm and 10 pm. Sometimes I try a popsicle right before bed...that helps a lot. Sipping water during the night will not hurt you, just sit up for a second when you drink.
   — Cindy M.

July 10, 2002
The problem is you need LOTS more fluid. period! Taking Benydryl will only dry you out more and cover up your real problem.
   — ZZ S.

July 10, 2002
Do you use a CPAP machine for sleep apnia<sp?> ? Ifd so you may need a humidifyer on the machine. If you snore and breath through your mouth you may have this sleep disorder.
   — Robert L.

July 10, 2002
Yes, it sounds like you're dehydrated. A glass of water at the bedside is fine but you need more fluids during the day. Please, please increase your fluid intake and forget the Benadryl, it will dry you out even more. Start drinking as soon as you wake up. I do a 24 oz. bottle of water on the treadmill, and finish another off once I'm out of the shower and on my way to work. (that's 48 oz. between 5 and 8:30 AM) I eat breakfast at the office then wait 30 minutes and work on one more bottle before lunch. I like to do one or 2 more before dinner then a big glass or two of Crystal Lite peach tea in the evening. (I should have bought stock in Charmin :-) Try drinking as much as possible between meals and right up till bedtime. It makes all the difference in your energy level, weightloss success and will also do wonders for your complexion. Good Luck, Diane N.
   — DianeN

July 10, 2002
Yes, it sounds like you're dehydrated. A glass of water at the bedside is fine but you need more fluids during the day. Please, please increase your fluid intake and forget the Benadryl, it will dry you out even more. Start drinking as soon as you wake up. I do a 24 oz. bottle of water on the treadmill, and finish another off once I'm out of the shower and on my way to work. (that's 48 oz. between 5 and 8:30 AM) I eat breakfast at the office then wait 30 minutes and work on one more bottle before lunch. I like to do one or 2 more before dinner then a big glass or two of Crystal Lite peach tea in the evening. (I should have bought stock in Charmin :-) Try drinking as much as possible between meals and right up till bedtime. It makes all the difference in your energy level, weightloss success and will also do wonders for your complexion. Good Luck, Diane N.
   — DianeN

July 12, 2002
everyone says water on the night stand,, this is good, but i found a trick that really helps me,, i hate warm water, so i freeze a bottle of water during the day, i get the plastic ice block out at bed time,, and each time i want a drink, more water has melted,, and you have a cold drink all through the night.. try it it works,,
   — bruce M.

March 31, 2005
dry dry mouth orajel moisturizing gel. i use it with my cpap machine because i have very dry mouth . hope this helps meghan

November 28, 2005
I am 2 years post surgery and I still have dry mouth at night. I am drinking enough fluids, so that isn't it. The only thing that helped was increasing the amount of B12 I take every day. I'm up to 1500 mcg. I started seeing an improvement around 1000 mcg, but I still have problems with it. I've asked by doctor, my surgeon, my dentist, and my nutritionist, but I haven't had any success.
   — Unicorn42

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