Does anyone have anal fissures that has gotten worse since WLS?

I was always constipated in general but now since WLS I have gotten impacted and had to physically remove the fecal matter from my own anus. I was in too much pain to leave the toliet and the feces was stuck. I was told to use an enema and senna but the stool was too large to pass. It didnt help that the stool was hard so it nearly ripped me a new "hole". That was 2 weeks ago and I cut down my iron intake to 1x day and added senna w/stool softner. My new problem is still pain in the rectum area. I do the sitz bath 2x daily and that helps but if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. PS I drink 6c of water daily.    — justine H. (posted on August 4, 2003)

August 3, 2003
Wow, this sounds like no fun at all! The main suggestion I have is to increase water. Some years ago there was a study circulating that said 8 cups was the minimum for the average person, and that we need an extra cup for every 25 lbs overweight, plus more if we are physically active. Fat also helps; try adding 1 Tbl--that's only 100 calories. There are also suppositories. Laxatives get you on a vicious cycle, so I'd avoid those. I sure wish you luck!!
   — Chris T.

August 3, 2003
I am sorry you are having this problem, search the library for anal fissures- I developed this problem last December, the pain lasted over 1 month- I took many sitz baths, MD prescribed .3% nitroglycerin ointment and 25% lidocain cream, none of which worked...I was taking 4 colace and 4 stool softeners a day when I was in incredible pain, finally a physician gave me Hydrocoritsone supossitories which shrank the internal tissue and I finally got relief..I searched the web for this and found no real solutions, your body needs to heal and it is hella painful! I resorted to sitting on a heating pad at home and at work! Good Luck
   — ~~Stacie~~

August 3, 2003
How about adding a few of the sugar free candies to your diet while the fissure heals? Sugar alcohols are known to have a laxative effect if you eat too many. Perhaps a few of the chewy GoLightly (great name cause it will cause you to go, and not lightly, lol) candies could temporarily speed things up while you are healing. I buy them in Albertsons and have found that if I have two or more, I am sorry. However, they are chewy and really serve a need if I want something really chewy
   — Margaret S.

August 5, 2003
Thanx everyone for the help. I will try each suggestion. Your support has been great ;-)
   — justine H.

August 5, 2003
Hi! This has nothing to do with the surgery but I had an anal fissure about 4 years ago. I researced on my own and found out that you can have the pharmacist mix petroleum jelly and nitroglycerin. Nitro relaxes the muscles and makes for an easier, painless bowel movement. Ask your doctor, they have probably heard of this by now. Good Luck! I know how very painful fissures can be.
   — Teresa S.

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