I don't smoke but my husband does......I am sure he would go out

side if I asked him too but if he doesn't how would it affect me like before the surgery...Would it come out like i was smoking?? I mean the test? Would it make it as hard for me to heal as smokers? Thanks    — JenLynn (posted on October 21, 2003)

October 21, 2003
I am sure that there are many people who are around second hand smoke who do just fine. I can't imagine that affecting the outcome of your surgery.
   — Patty_Butler

October 21, 2003
If he just has an occasional cigarette I wouldn't worry much about it. If he is a chain smoker, don't stand there breathing in that toxic junk - surgery or no surgery.
   — bethybb

October 21, 2003
I don't think the second hand smoke would have a lot of effect on your surgery and recovery but I would still ask him to smoke outside for general health reasons. My father passed away quite awhile ago but had respiratory problems for the last 10 years of his live. The doctors would scope his bronchi and lungs and swear that he was a chain smoker and really did not believe that he had never smoked. This was before they realized the effects of second hand smoke.
   — ssundlee

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