I'm afraid I am eating too much!! (1)

I had open RYN in June of 1999. That makes me 7 months post. While I can still only eat a small portion at each sitting, I can surely eat alot more than at first. Before, I would eat a small meal, and then I wouldn't be hungry for a while. But now, after I have eaten what should be my meal, I become hungry soon after. Maybe I am really not hungry, but am eating just to be eating. I think it may be an emotional thing. Also, I really crave sweets much too often. The bad thing about it is that I really don't get dumping. Sometimes I just get very tired and have to lay down, but not a real sick feeling. I am afraid that I am eating too much becasue I eat more than three small meals a day. The second helpings are a real problem. Has anybody experienced this? How have you dealt with it?    — miles B. (posted on January 25, 2000)

February 1, 2000
I completly understand I had surgery Oct 26th and I feel I get hungry alot more than I should not a whole lot at anyone time but more than I think I should I am really scared I weighed 277 before surgery and now weigh 230 am I doing something wrong ? I dont know but I do know how you are feeling. Stay strong my friend you are not alone LOL Debbie
   — Debbie G.

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