i need some suggestions on gulping drinks??

i am still having trouble not gulping drinks or drinking to much at one time. does anyone have any suggestions on how i can get this under control i am 6 weeks post-op.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 2, 2000)

August 1, 2000
All I can say is take it real slow. It hurts going down. You know how you give a one year old a drink of water, well think of yourself as a one year old, take small sips many times even if it is to just wet the tongue. I hope this helps good luck to you it will get easier. Hang on in there.
   — Sharon T.

August 1, 2000
Don't ever use straws to drink and try using a child's sippy cup. I know you wouldn't do that in public, but in the privacy of your own home, it's not a problem.
   — Paula G.

August 2, 2000
Drinking with straws causes more air in the stomach.. Which will cause you to hold less water and burp more.. I use a 32oz jug with spout at top filled with ice and aberfoyle water twice a day. I drink one jug from the time I get up until 30 minutes before lunch time.. Then fill it again for the afternoon, that way I get in no less than 64 ozs. Plus my v8 juice & protein drink I count those as my between meal snacks.. <p> <a href="">Gastric Bypass Information, Links & Recipes</a><br> <p> <a href="">MY Cookbook</a><br> <p><a href="">MY weightloss PICS</a><br>
   — Victoria B.

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