I need B-12 Help!!!

I purchased some B-12 sublinguals from GNC before surgery which was Oct. 18th. Since I have been home I have tried them several times and THEY NEVER DISSOLVE!!!! Besides that they are pretty gross tasting. I know I need the B-12 for energy so if anyone knows of a good brand I would really appreciate it. Also, can I take the B-12 drops? Thanks for your help!    — Rachel E. (posted on October 24, 2001)

October 24, 2001
Rachel - I take B-12 shots once per month at my doctor's office. Then there is no need for pills or drops. The shots are given in your hip and do not hurt or cause a reaction. That is the easiest for me. B-12 stores up in your system, so the once per month is enough for the shots and they last.
   — gina P.

October 24, 2001
Yes, the shots are the best way. I got a prescription from my pcp for B-12 and it was a small vial that I can give myself shots from at home. I use tiny insulin syringes that just are gently pushed into the fat of the arm. Can't feel it a bit. The prescription is about $6 and the syringes are about ten cents each. Much cheaper than a trip to the doctor's office. I only have a one shot every six wks or so. Can instantly feel a burst of energy. Really.
   — Marilyn C.

October 24, 2001
Twinlab B-12 Dots 500 mcg. Sublingual These are great...I barely taste it & it dissolves under my tongue within a minute or so. I bought it at our local pharmacy.
   — Barbara B.

October 24, 2001
I order my B-12 from a company called Trivita. You can order them direct by using someones ID# till they give you your own. They work great for me. Websight is phone is 1-888-432-4829 use ID#11204918 they are moneyback quaranteed. Gary
   — Gary H.

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