It was suggested to me that I take a product called biosil for my hairloss. You put

6 drops into liquid. Anyone heard of this? Thanks.    — sue S. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
I've never head of biosil, I take Biotin for hair loss, started taking it 2 months before surgery and everyday since, so far so good, I'm 4 mos. post-op and down 50 lbs :D BTW, biotin i take is a tablet
   — Lisa F.

June 19, 2002
I'd be inclined to go with Lisa's answer - biotin. Biosil seems to be we really need that? The Pro-Cal 100 I take has everything needed to provide the nutrients, vitamins and minerals required. Saves me from having to remember to take a pill! :D Take care!!!
   — Lynn E.

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