Appendix surgery post op?

Anyone have to have their appendix out post op. Can you use a regular surgeon at a hospital that does not do Gastric By pass    — faybay (posted on September 4, 2003)

September 4, 2003
I haven't had to have an appendectomy. A problem with your appendix would be totally unrelated to WLS. A general surgeon usually does an appendectomy, so any hospital and any general surgeon would be fine. They would be working in the lower abdomen on the lower GI tract, whereas the WLS (if you had RNY) is on the upper abdomen.
   — koogy

September 4, 2003
Any surgeon can do the surgery, but make sure they are aware of your past GB surgery so he will be prepared if you should have any problems during or after the surgery.
   — Jane S.

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