Hypothyroid & RNY???

Hi All~ I have Hashimotos disease, which means that I am hypothyroid. I take Armour and Cytomel and have it under control. Does anyone know if this will affect me getting approved? If any of you are hypo and have already had RNY, has your condition changed/improved? Thanks SO much and God Bless, Rachel    — Rachel_T (posted on November 16, 2003)

November 16, 2003
I am hypothyroid. I take synthroid. I skipped my medication the day of surgery and started back the day after. Have had no problems at all. I did ask my doctor about it beforehand and he said the thyroid was not affected by differences in weight so I should have no problems. Also, the synthroid pill is tiny so I had no problem with taking it either. I had surgery on 09/25/03.
   —  SCbabe B.

November 16, 2003
Hypothyroid is so common and is a big cause of overweight conditions (but not 100% of the problem of course). I have it too, and it didn't not hinder my approval. I've been taking it for about 3 1/2 years and continue taking it today, six months post op. I'm doing well weight-wise, and have no problem with taking the meds. One thing with synthroid... you have to take it on an empty stomach. It is a a tiny pill with no taste, so I let it disolve under my tongue to insure I get 100% absorbtion. Hope this helps. Lisa A. Lap RNY 5/13/03 291/183/150
   — Happy I.

November 16, 2003
I am hypo also, and on Synthroid. I skipped it the day of surgery and my PCP had synthroid liquid put into my IV daily until I left the hospital
   — Lisa D.

November 16, 2003
I also have Hashimoto's disease and will be having surgery on 12/10/03. My surgeon agrees with what everyone else has said: skip on the day and the hospital will take care of the rest. Good luck!
   — Kathleen G.

November 16, 2003
I have Hashimoto's and had surgery last Thursday. As others have said I skipped my synthroid the day of surgery (you can't take anything that day except critical meds like heart meds, etc) and they gave me the pills the next two days. They didn't honor the need to take them on an empty stomach, but I guess just two days of that won't throw everything out of control. There was absolutely no problem getting approved because of having Hashimoto's, if anything, I think it may have helped, as more evidence that normal dieting doesn't work for me.
   — Chyrl W.

November 16, 2003
I've been taking synthroid for YEARS - never knew to take it on an empty stomach. I learned something here! Thanks.
   — Allee Z.

November 16, 2003
Hi Rachel- I have Hashimotos to and have been on the same amount of synthriod for over eight years. Since my RNY in March 03 my doctor has had to step down my dose all three times my blood work been done...So just beware you might have to have the dose played with. Good luck to you and Hashimotos hasn't stopped me from getting to my goal weight. :o)
   — levans

November 17, 2003
I have Hypothyroidism and also take Armour Thyroid. I had my first blood work done at about 6 months post op and my TSH level was very low, like I was not eve taking my Armour. My Dr. increased it from 90 mg. to 120 mg. And a month later I had my lab re-checked and it was back up where it was suposed to be. The problem was, that I was taking my Armour and calcium at the same time. You have to space them out about 4 hours apart or the calcium totally makes your Armour ineffective. Been doing great since I worked that out. swoods lap rny 12/17/02 245/147/140
   — Sheryl W.

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