What do you know about VitaMist Spray Vitamins?

I have used this company's spray vitamins and several other products and interested in what you have to suggest, comment, etc. Thanks! Hadiyah, a.k.a.~~    — yourdivaness (posted on May 18, 2005)

May 18, 2005
i don't use them but I have seen people post on the message board and back it up with news reports that they are a huge rip-off. Those posts didn't stay on the board very long before they were pulled. seems they are a sponsor of this site.
   — Delores S.

May 18, 2005
While at the convention in LA this past October I was given a free sample. My labs were fine. It is a very simple product to use. As for the article saying negative things about them had to be retracted by the writer.
   — TheresaC

May 18, 2005
I use VitaMist Spray Vitamins and I'm VERY pleased with the outcome of my recent labs, EXCEPT for my thyroid levels which, after a repeat draw, turned out fine. I've asked a few people to try it on me, and I was surprised, they liked it too! The spray comes in a little container the size of breath spray and can be neatly tucked away in your purse or pocket. The taste of the spray isn't bad, just like what a vitamin smells and takes like. I'm considering distributorship, just learing more about how it can affect WLS (gastric bypass patients), absorption, etc,. I don't like taking a lot of pills, *unless* I absolutely have to. Since this is the lifestyle I chose and I didn't go into the decision of having the RNY blindly, then I have/MUST continue the commitment of taking care of myself, ~wholistically~, Spirit, Soul and Body. We can hear a lot of things, but for me, "nothing beats a failure, but a try", even when $$$ is involved. I also found Super Cal Pro, which also comes from this company. It's an orange-flavored protein drink, it reminded me of Tang at first, but sugar-free Tang tastes better. It's great when you blend it in a blender...doesn't taste that great to mean in the shaker cup, but that's just MHO. That's why I was surprised when AMOS-WLS member informed me that Vita Mist was a sponsor!!! This is GREAT!!
   — yourdivaness

May 18, 2005
I don't know about that, but I have been dying to tell everyone where I get my vitamins. They are so cheap at Since we have to take so much FOREVER, we have to find the least expensive ones!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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