Cost for Tummy Tuck

I am interested in getting a tummy tuck. I don't think I will be able to get the insurance to pay since beginning weight was 215 and now 140 at 5'4" but I have a lot of loose skin the my stomach area that I don't ever see firming up. Does anyone know a ball park figure for the cost of a Tummy Tuck as I will probably be a self pay. It's been 7 months since surgery. Thank you.    — Tami G. (posted on December 8, 2000)

May 29, 2001
Tami, congratulations! Wow your pictures look great! To answer your question - I live in Tulsa, and after three visits to three different Plastic Surgeon's here - the best rate was with the doctor I felt most comfortable with. For everything - his fees, the surgical facility, the anesthesia, and everything except my pain meds afterwards the cost is $4,900. The other two doctors all inclusive costs were $5,200 and $5,400. My insurance won't cover it either. I have mine this Friday! June 1! I lost 73 pounds with the phen/fen diet in 1996 and have finally saved enough to get this surgery done. Good luck and if at all possible, I would suggest you try to find a Plastic Surgeon who will give you an actual patient to talk to and perhaps meet. That's what I did, and the lady I met had a stomach of a 19 year old at 52!!!! I can't wait!
   — Judi G.

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