With this criteria, what are my chances ?Aetna Letter for Approval

My doctor has been doing this for quite a while, and even has a reputation for being able to get folks approved with his particular wording. I'm a bit worried, since he told me Thursday, when he dictated the letter, that it was pretty weak. He more or less said I hadn't been MORBIDLY obese long enough. I just hit that point about four/five years ago. I have the two required doctor diets, other diet history, pain and swelling in joints, vericose veins and some numbness and discoloration in my toes, incontinence, and family history of high blood pressure and diabetes. I have Aetna HMO in Georgia, and am dying of curiosity. Has anyone ever been approved without life threatening comorbities? Or not having been obese their whole life? By the way, my BMI is right at 40.    — Amy K. (posted on February 25, 2001)

February 25, 2001
My friend was just approved in under two weeks by your insurance and her BMI was only 37. Good luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

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