EKG normal, ECG recommended? Phen-Fen use

I have had heart flutters pretty regularly the last mo (since I found out my surgery date). My PCP has had me have an EKG and EKG stress test-both turned up good. I was on Phen-Fen about 7 years ago for about 3 mos. Do you think I should have an ECG also? What is the difference between the EKG and the ECG? Thanks, my PCP says it's anxiety, and she's probably right, but I want to be sure.    — sandieguy (posted on May 11, 2001)

May 11, 2001
You may need to have an event monitor or holter monitor put on. Holter is for 24 hr period of monitoring vs the event recorder for a 30 day period. Then the monitor may pick up on events with the heart that do not show up all the time. There's different kinds of monitors. Some that run continuous and others where you can choose to record when you are feeling symtoms. Let it up to your cardiologist, he should know whats best. Ekg's are also called Ecg's. Same thing.
   — Karla K.

May 11, 2001
Echocardiogram...that's what you need to have. It gives more information about the functionality of your heart muscle. It's like a sonogram of your heart and shows each quadrant as well as valves, etc... All phen fen users should have this test - it's painless. You probably don't have any permanent heart damage from the phen fen; however, it's always best to be on the safe side. You didn't take it for very long which is a good thing. Best of luck to you!
   — Sharon R.

September 21, 2002
EKG and ECG is the same thing, just the European and american abbreviation
   — deniece M.

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