The Journey...

Mapping out your plan of attack

So, you're ready for action. At this point, there are several things that need to be done, but different ways they can happen. One method is to pick a surgeon and then let their office handle everything for you. For some centers, this may work fine. Here, we offer a breakdown of the various steps involved and invite you to consider taking a more active role in managing the process. Provided that you proceed with care, not only might the process go much faster but you'll be better empowered to monitor and handle any setbacks.

In a nutshell, you need:

  • a surgeon covered under your plan
  • a referral from your PCP to that surgeon
  • a host of letters from clinical specialists documenting medical necessity of the procedure.

Here is a possible sequence of events:

  1. Research candidate surgeons you feel comfortable with.
  2. Contact your insurer with specific questions.
  3. Narrow your surgeon selection based on network participation and surgery type covered.
  4. Obtain letters from clinical specialists such as a dietician and psychologist.
  5. Obtain a letter of medical necessity and referral to a surgeon from your primary care physician (PCP). Note: in some cases you may need a referral from your PCP in order to do the previous step.
  6. Visit your surgeon and mail out your packet to the insurance company. Resources

Hearing from your peers...
Each section of this guide has excerpts from our book, “Making The Journey Together.” Can you identify with the comments below?

From our book:

From our Q&A Library:

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