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Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

I've always considered weight loss surgery but years ago I heard a few horror stories nor did I have the insurance or money to get it done. When I first considered bariatric surgery I also had yet been diagnosed with the medical issues that I have now. (I guess they were brewing to make their big debut) I didn't consider losing weight until I got older, as a child I always wished I was smaller but never tried to do anything about it nor did I realize the importance of being healthy (no matter what size you may be). I would be lying if I said I have tried every diet in the universe because I haven't. There have been times where I made efforts to change my eating habits and take obesity serious. In 2007 I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes, I went home (New York) to visit and decided to go to the ER because I was using the bathroom EVERY other minute and was itching to NO END! (I never had a yeast infection so I had no idea what was going on) I didn't tell my grandmother where I was going, I only said I would be right back lol. Needless to say that was a lie because they admitted me to the hospital and was wondering how I walked in there and not in a diabetic comma. My blood sugar level was over 300. I'd say maybe within 2 years or so (don't remember how long) there were no traces of diabetes anymore. My A1C levels were low and I was on the right track. Now here I am a few years later and fell way off track with poor food choices. I have high cholesterol, hypertension, annnnd I am currently taking 2 types of insulin. I injured my foot about 2 years ago and it never healed properly. I feel it never healed properly because of all the weight I am carrying. (I hurt it on the treadmill....go figure). Now that I have insurance that will cover the surgery; I would like to take advantage of it by using it to my benefit. I do not want to be on all this medicine anymore and I am so over my foot being jacked up. My left knee also bothers me at times but I am not sure what that is caused from. I'm not a medical professional but I don't believe weight is "always" the root of problems. However, I do feel that weight is a big hinderance when trying to fix/cure the problem. I pray all goes well with me on this weight loss journey.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

The worst thing about being overweight for me would be...............having a fat foot. Years ago I would struggle finding shoes because there was NOTHING trendy in my size. This day and age is different as oppose to years ago. The different styles exist now but there are still times that something may not fit me well.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

I haven't had the surgery yet but for me would most likely be what I just answered above. I would probably buy shoes just because I can. Especially if I have the money to do so.

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