Clinton Beverly, M.D. Bariatrics

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 4 ratings

Clinton Beverly, M.D. Bariatrics Bariatric Center

  • Latest Reviews See all 4 reviews
    avatar Kanisha H. on May 23, 2004 for Clinton Beverly

    Well, I met Dr. Beverly for the first time back in August of 2002. My first impression of him, was that he was very handsome and I certainly didn't want him operating on me. Couldn't they have chosen someone uglier? Ha!Ha! All More...

    avatar Kathy W. on Jan. 4, 2003 for Clinton Beverly

    My first impression of Dr Beverly was that he was quiet and strictly business. I have heard nothing but very good things about him. since my first visit I ahve since learned that he is a quiet man but he does have a good sense More...

    avatar Anne T. on Oct. 12, 2002 for Clinton Beverly

    My first impression of Dr. Beverly was very good.. He seemed to be very capable, intelligent & understanding. After a couple more appointments with Dr. Beverly I have decided that he is a really great guy as well as a capable surgeon.. He takes whatever amount More...

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