Clinton Beverly

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 4 ratings

Clinton Beverly Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

4 Reviews for Clinton Beverly
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Well, I met Dr. Beverly for the first time back in August of 2002. My first impression of him, was that he was very handsome and I certainly didn't want him operating on me. Couldn't they have chosen someone uglier? Ha!Ha! All in all he seemed well educated on RNY surgery that I was requesting be performed. He made a comment that day in his office that I have never forgotten. He said that I carried my weight well. I really didn't know how to take that then, but I think now I understand. He seemed really compasionate in that dealt with big girls all the time and didn't seem at all disgusted.

His nurse Becky is the sweetest woman you could ever meet in life. She must carry the patience of a God, with all the hounding she recieved from me and all the other women waiting on the opportunity to have their lives changed. Still she smiled.

The next time I saw Dr. Beverly was in Feb of 2004. He told me that he would try to have a date for me in March. He stressed the importance of what a major operation this would be. Again he outlined all the risks that were involved including death, but I was deteremined. Generally he was a nice man.


My first impression of Dr Beverly was that he was quiet and strictly business. I have heard nothing but very good things about him. since my first visit I ahve since learned that he is a quiet man but he does have a good sense of humor. At least I made him chuckle. His secretary that schedules the surgeries is very nice. He is very thorough and they stress the nutrition and diet care after the surgery. they stress that this is a tool to use to help you loose the weight. On a acale of 1-10 I would rate him at a 10.


My first impression of Dr. Beverly was very good.. He seemed to be very capable, intelligent & understanding. After a couple more appointments with Dr. Beverly I have decided that he is a really great guy as well as a capable surgeon.. He takes whatever amount of time with you that is needed and answers all questions honestly & to the best of his ability. The staff is great..they are also caring, understanding & very friendly. They always make themselves available for questions as well as support.


I know it says below that a 100% rating isn't
very fair, but that is all I have to say
about Dr. Beverly. He is wonderful, gentle,
caring and very knowledgeable. When I first
went to his office he sat down right in front
of me and spoke directly to me, eye to eye,
used language I can understand, gave me
pamphlets (that he drew pictures on) and
scheduled me for classes. I feel he is very
thorough and takes the time to answer all of
my questions. The staff is very busy and
effecient and the hospital has other staff
in other areas that you can talk to and help
you. Like a support group, ditetions and other
nurses. He is very structured in his postop
care and diet. He gives you a multi-page
handout on foods and diets and stresses
excerise even before the surgery. He says I
will be up out of bed the same day of surgery.
At least sitting in a chair. I rate him 100%
He never pushed me into anything and gave me
lots of time to think things over. Yes, he
did address the risks of the surgery, verbally
and written.

Which is better, surgical competence, bedside
manner, or both great? I think that the two
go hand in hand. If you don't like your Dr.
then would you trust him/her with your life?
And if he isn't surgically competent, then
what is your life worth? I have both in
Dr. Beverly

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