Aaron G. Baggs

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.25 out of 5 with 75 ratings

Aaron G. Baggs Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

4 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

75 Reviews for Aaron G. Baggs
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The day I saw Dr. Baggs he was running a bit late to all of his appointments. Even though his schedule was getting more messed up with each patient he saw, he took the time to answer every question I had.rnrnMy first impression of Dr. Baggs was that he was a very kind and gentle doctor who is passionate about his specialty and his patients.rnrnI must say that I was at ease during the entire 20 - 30 minute appointment I had with him. rnrnFor future patients = Dr. Baggs was very happy that I had my husband come with me. He even said that I would have much better results because my husband was activley participating in my WLS journey. = So, bring your spouse / support person with you if you want to start off on the right foot with Dr. Baggs. It also helped to start the conversation in the room.rnrnOn a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being Bad and 10 being Awesome) I would rate Dr. Baggs as an absolute 10. There were no questions I asked that he did not answer and I left his office feeling 100% positive that RNY WLS was what I was going to do.rnrnHe set my mind at ease about alot of the complications. He had a LOW complication rate of less than .5% for RNY WLS. Plus, Kaiser Richmond is a Center of Excellence. There are only 3 surgery centers in California who have obtained this status. Richmond Kaiser is the only Kaiser.rnrnI can't wait for surgery! I will post an update then!


Dr. Baggs was great. He is a wonderful surgeon and very professional. I was lucky to have him as my surgeon.


I'll be having surgery at Kaiser Richmond, in Northern California.


Dr. Baggs was just awesome. He is easy to talk with and very good at what he does. I am so happy that he is my surgeon. He spent time with my husband while I was in recovery showing him the pictures of my surgery...he didn't have to take the time to do that, but it sure was a thoughtful thing to do.


What can I say about Dr. Baggs?? He is a wounderful man who made my experience the best that it could be. He made me understand in clear fashion the risks assocated with wls and made sure that I understood everything fully. rnrnOn the day of surgery and the few days after, he was just the best. He was kind, courteous and wend out of his way to make sure that I had everything that I needed and that I was as comfortable as possible and if I had any questions.rnrnI would recomend him to anyone needing a surgeon in the Kaiser system


I have only talked with Dr. Baggs one time. It was for my consultation and I think he is great. I have talked with alot of Doctors and none stayed focus like he did.rnrnHad my surgery on June 18th. Dr. Baggs is one of the most soft spoken, caring, Doctors I have every come in contact with. He was and still is an amazing surgeon.


My first impression of Dr. Baggs was that he was down to earth. To the point. And had high expectations of his patients. As I have gotten to know him better, I think he has a good sense of humor. His staff is very nice. I always feel that they care about me as a patient. If Dr. Baggs is selected to be your surgeon, you are in good hands. He addresses all the risks of the surgery and even encouraged me to be afraid. He does not take this lightly. Nor should you. There is a lot of focus on the after care program. They really emphasize that you follow up with your blood work, and keep your follow up appointments. My overall opinion of Dr. Baggs is extremely high. I am very pleased with him. He has great surgical competence and a very nice bedside manner. I think he is wonderful and he will always be in my prayers. He changed my life.


Dr. Baggs was always very kind... I never felt like he was in a hurry he gave me his full attention. There was never a time i felt out of sorts. His staff is totaly happy with them they all had such good things to say about him. He was a joy to be around!!


**UPDATE**rnrnI had my surgery on the 13th and Dr Baggs is so caring and gentle. He checked on me 2 times BEFORE I had my surgery in pre-op and checked on me 2 MORE times after surgery! He discharged me 2 days later and said i LOOKED fabulous! He is an awesome Dr and a GREAT man!rnrnrn______________________________________rnJan 9th-rnrnI will be meeting this FABULOUS Doctor today! I will let you know what the out come will be :) rnrnHe is soooo nice and so thorough he knew ALL me medical history as soon as he came in the room and say down! I am very very impressed. He anticipates that I will have a great surgery, he would also like for me to have the gold standard surgery which is Roux-EN- Y. We talked about aftercare, the risks and benefits and he even asked me what would losing 100 pounds do for me? I am ready and will have a great Dr to be there and make my dreams come true!rnrn


He seems great, spent plenty of time with me and asked if I had any questions.

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