Adolfo Fernandez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.66666666667 out of 5 with 58 ratings

Adolfo Fernandez Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

5 yr Experience

5.5 yr in Bariatrics

5.5 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5.5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

58 Reviews for Adolfo Fernandez
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My first impression of Dr. Fernandez was, "wow, he's so young." He seems to be very knowledgable regarding gastric bypass and wants to make sure that patients are prepared for what they are about to do. I saw another surgeon about a year and a half before I saw Dr. Fernandez and wasn't impressed and didn't feel comfortable so I put things on hold until I found Dr. Fernandez. Glad I did. I also can't say enough about his nurse, Susan. What a nice lady!! She takes the time to answer any questions while in the office, over the phone, or through e-mail. I've been quite impressed with my whole process.


I met with Dr. Fernandez today and I cannot say enough good things about him. My husband was with me for my appointment and we were both soooooo impressed with him. He seems like a friend instead of a physican. His bed side manner is perfect. I have to say I was in shock when I heard how old he was. I have never been to a doctor that is the same age as myself. But don't let that scare you, he is so smart! I am so glad I have chosen him as a surgeon and he has agreed to take my case. Also Susan Butler is awesome. They are a great team.


I originally chose to go with a doctor in Raleigh, NC, but have since changed my mind. I am in the process of getting all of my records from that doctor & getting an appointment with Dr. Fernandez in Winston-Salem. My consultation is April 29th. I found out that Dr. Fernandez' birthday is the same day as my niece - I feel that is a good sign! 5-5-04 Had my consultation & Dr. Fuzz is super. His office will send all info to BCBS the week of May 10 & boy am I ready!


Fuzz Fernandez makes a great impression. He is professional yet approachable. You all have his name wrong it is Adolpho not Alfredo. You need to get this corrected.


When Dr. Fernandez first walked in the room I was in shock!!!!! He was so young, you know you generally picture doctor's atleast 40 or older. I found out early in conversation that he might be young but he is very knowledgable. His staff is great and I feel like I have known his receptionist forever. We have had to talk a lot and play phone tag, too. I can't say that there is anything that I don't like about Dr. Fernandez(besides we only met one time) ha ha!!! He stongly suggests a firm aftercare plan. He explined all medications that I would have to take and he also told me about the vitamins and supplements that I will need to take. We talked about the pros and cons of WLS. AND YES EVEN THE DEATH PERCENTAGE!!! Scary but it is the truth. So far I like Dr. Fernandez and his staff, and I HOPE TO BE SEEING THEM A LOT IN THE FUTURE.


Wow, my first impression of Dr. Fernandez!! "Doogie Howser" comes to mind!! He is so young! But let me tell ya, this man knows his stuff! So don't let his age fool you. He is very personable, energetic, and upfront. I was very pleased with his knowledge, his emphasis for me to know every detail and aspect of the surgery, before and after. No stone was left unturned!! Susan, his Nurse was fantastic! She listened to me, very personable, I can't say enough good things about her. She appears to be on top of everything!! At this stage in my journey, I really don't have anything negative to say about the Doctor or his staff. If you are considering WLS and are looking for a Surgeon, I would highly recommend Dr. Fernandez and his staff.


I was able to meet Dr. Fernandez on Aug.7, 03. I was impressed to what extent and detail he went in about the surgery. He is very easy to talk to, but very direct. He seemed to be confident. He emphasizes the cons and makes sure you have a good understading that the surgery isnt a easy option. I had talked to his secretary Marie, many times. She is a very caring and considerate person. They made me feel comfortable. I look forward to a bright future with them.

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