Alan H. Brader

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 101 ratings

Alan H. Brader Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

20 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

18 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

101 Reviews for Alan H. Brader
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Very confident, seem to be very knowledgable and wasn't bad looking at all! My impression pretty much stayed the same throughout my experience.rnDr. Brader's office staff was outstanding, I never had any problems whatsoever in contacting them. The least thing that I like about Dr. Brader was that he was too much of a stickler for not allowing smokers to be operated, but that helped me to quit cigarettes after many years. Outstanding surgeon overall. Two weeks out and I feel really good.rnrn


First impression upon meeting Dr. Brader was that he was very confident, honest, and I felt I could trust him. rnThe office staff was mostly great. I experienced that a couple of them were bad with returning phone calls or had some attitude, but I liked dealing with most of them.rnI think that the Dr. and the rest of the staff made very certain to fully inform me of the surgery, the risks, and the aftercare. rn


Dr.Brader was absolutely finaminal. I truely owe him and his staff my life. He has wonderful bedside manner, and really cares about his patients. He wants what is in their best interest and will do anything he can to help them achieve their goal. I would most definately recommend anyone who lives in the area to check out the Barix Clinix in PA and talk with Dr. Brader...He is wonderful!


My first impression with Dr. Brader was one on total competence. He detailed his background and I liked that fact that he had previously spent time as a trauma surgeon. Who better to have in surgery should something unexpected happen. Over time he was as professional as the day I had first met him. He understood the impact obesity has on people and treated me with respect. His entire staff was outgoing and friendly, offering encouragemnt along the way. There was nothing that I did not like about him. People should know that he is an excellent surgeon with tons(excuse the pun) of experience. He does emphasize aftercare because the surgery is a very small part of this new lifestyle. He emphasizes scheduled medical checkups that include seeing him and his nutrition staff. His facility also offers a monthly support group which he ebcourages everyone to join. He was very upfront about the risks of surgery. He also calmed my fears by detailing the entire procedure. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would rate him and his staff a 20. And that is not a typo. They are that good. rnrnAfter typing this I was directed to the instructions below that indicate no person can be the \"best\" in all aspects and 100% positive reviews are less informative and even suspect. Well after my experience with Dr. Brader and his Langhorne staff, I have to flat out disagree.


Dr. Brader is very knowledgeable about gastric surgery and I had every confidence in him.


I was very impressed with Dr Brader when I went to his group consult. He is very knowledgeable, and doesnt BS you. He tells you exactly what you will get from him, and what he expects from you. I was told he is worth the wait, and I agree. He is very nice, and really cares about his patients. Dr Brader explained everything clearly, and I came out of the consult knowing he was the doctor for me. He tells you what works, and if you do what he says, you will lose weight. He has taught surgery to others, so you know he knows his stuff! His OR staff and nurses are great, very nice and put you at ease. Having said all that, I havent been all that impressed with his office staff. The girls that take your vitals are rather curt, and they take forever to return calls. I know they are busy, but they should hire more people. I am still waiting for someone to call me back from last week so I can make my 3 month followup.


I felt Dr. Brader was very professional. Very informative and friendly. He did not beat around the bush with all possible outcomes. I felt I could trust him with my life. I cannot wait to have my surgery. thank you.rn Alice Perri


Dr. Brader strikes me as very competent and confident in his abilities. He is very straight forward with a dry humor (LOL). I enjoyed our group and private consultation. He has been doing this work for a long time and he instantly made me feel like I chose the right person for the job. I consulted with another local doctor who is very popular. I decided not to go with him. He didn't listen to me and I didn't feel confident in his abilitiy. In my opinion, he could never match Dr. Brader. I am very happy that Dr. Brader is my surgeon.


Dr. Brader is a kind, caring, and amazing doctor. I knew after our initial meeting that I was in good hands. rnrnThe office staff were great. Very nice and accommodating. I have nothing bad to say about Dr Brader or any of the staff at the hospital.


From the first moment we met Dr. Brader, he carried an air of knowledge and experience of the procedures. Even though he was operating earier that day, he took his time to explain the pros and cons of both the lap band and the RNY, and the reasons to have them done open or laproscopically. He is very serious about his job - so much that he postponed my surgery when I gained 5 lbs from the consultation (as he states, his complications are low because he sticks to these guidelines.) I did have a couple of issues with the Barix office staff (especially with some departments not returning phone calls), but once you are in his hands (literally) you are in the best hands out there. After surgery, he stops in to speak with you directly at least once a day. I could not be happier with Dr. Brader and I am glad he was my surgeon.

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