Bradley J. Needleman

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 144 ratings

Bradley J. Needleman Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

5 yr Experience

8 yr in Bariatrics

9 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

85% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

144 Reviews for Bradley J. Needleman
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Dr Needleman was very through with my husband and I , took the time to explain everything to us, answered all of our questions, and was willing to listen to us and was in no hurry to get away. I learned a lot from him that I did not know about. Bobbie Douglas, his nurse is such a lovely person, so kind, explained the risks and aftercare to us very lengthy. I would rate Dr Needleman and their staff very highly. I am looking forward to my Surgery date of 3/7/02.


Havent meet him yet March 19 ill see him.


Dr. Needleman was highly recommended to me by my best friend. The first time we met, he was very patient with me and answered all my questions. Even though I was very nervous, he was very sincere and nice. It only took a few minutes for me to calm down and I was able to ask all the questions I had. He even answered some questions I didn't even know I should ask!!! The staff at OSU is wonderful. Nurse Bobbi is like an angel. I don't have any reservations about Dr. Needleman or his staff caring for me throughout the procedure and post op. I would rate them all an A+++. My surgery is scheduled for Jan 31, 2002. After surgery, I will update on his bedside manner and any other things I feel everyone should know.


This surgeon is absolutely the best!!! I talked to him for 2 hours. He never once made me feel as if he had other things to do, even his pager went off and he put it in his pocket and left it. He sat in a laid back position, smiled, eye contact. He even told me I wasn't that overweight! Wow that made me feel good. He said since I have right at 100lbs to loose I will most likely meet my target weight. He is great and he's also the dirctor of Bariatric surgery.


I like Dr. Needleman very much.He was helpful in making me feel comfortable about what he was doing, and I have never changed my mind about him. Office staff has been friendly. The only downside to Dr. Needleman was that he never had enough time to stick around the hospital room. I think he was somewhat of a perfectionist at anything he does, and for that I am graeful. I was in his office two weeks after surgery for my first visit and will see him again at two months.Yes, he has a structured aftercare program, and covered all the risks with me beforehand.I would give Dr. Needleman an A+. His surgical competence is better than his bedside manner.


I had my appointment with Dr Needleman on 01/18/01 and he is wonderful. He is so nice and helpful and very informative. I know a few people personally that he's performed this surgery on and I've met a lot more along the way. I am confident that I am in good hands.


I have spent the last 28 days researching the surgery, taking to women who have had the surgery and finally decided on Dr. Needleman at OSU. I'm really excited now that I've made my decision. I mailed in the initial packet, and now I want to have the surgery tomorrow. I can't wait until I'm suffering and LOSING WEIGHT! I'll keep you posted on my adventure.


Dr. Needleman seems very knowledgable and we were impressed with his attitude toward the


My first impression of Dr. Needleman was wonderful. He makes you feel at ease. I felt he was someone who truly cares about his patients and wants to do the best he can for them. I am anxiousley awaiting my surgery schedueled for October 12th, after which I will have more comments to make on Dr. Needleman I'm sure. But for now I feel totaly comfortable with the surgeon I have been given.


I had my appointment with Dr. Needleman today. He was super nice and totally answered all the questions my husband and I had. He was very relaxed and did not rush us at all. Bobbie was super nice and I was so happy to meet her. I feel very confident !

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