David Engstrand

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 21 ratings

David Engstrand Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

17 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

Biliopancreatic Diversion

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch



Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

James Burhop Profile Pic
James Burhop
Manfred C. Chiang Profile Pic
Manfred C. Chiang
Bobby Wu Profile Pic
Bobby Wu
Bariatric Surgeon

21 Reviews for David Engstrand
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Dr. Engstrand has been my doctor through out this for the last year and a half. He had a hard time remembering who I was each time I saw him but then again I didnt see him on a constant basis. Now the my surgery is done and over with I think I appreciate him more.


Dr. Engstrand is very direct, quick and to the point. Not the friendliest bedside manner, but his excellent surgical competence made up for it. One thing that bothered me about him was that while both me and my husband was in the room talking to him, he would only look at my husband instead of me. He has got better at that, though. The wonderful thing about Dr. Engstrand is that he never once questioned my decision about having the Duodenal Switch. I was warned that he might be a "Bait and Don't Switch" surgeon who would talk me into a different procedure, but he never did. I was in surgery for 7+ hours as he removed a surprise hernia, my appendix, gallbladder and did the full DS. His aftercare program is very thorough and most of his staff are very friendly. I was nervous about picking a surgeon who was not on the list of vetted DS surgeons from the dsfacts.com website, but I am glad I took a chance on him. I feel very lucky to have had my DS so close to home with such an excellent surgeon.


Dr. Engstrand is wonderful! He is very kind and thoughtful. He explained everything very clearly and made sure that I understood. Dr. Engstrand has been very patient with all my questions. His staff is awesome. They are all very caring and personable! The support structure at the BIW is great! I would rate Dr. Engstrand a 10+ and recomend him to anyone!


I have only met with Dr. Engstrand once so far. My initial consultation with him went well. He was very nice and explained things thoroughly. His staff is wonderful. They have all been very patient with me as I ask them my many many questions.rnrnWhen I first met with Dr. Engstrand, he went over the benefits and risks of each type of surgery. He was very thorough. I felt very comfortable about asking him questions.


Well I choice Dr Engstrand for his knowledge. That he has plenty of. He is an excellent surgeon and has hands are as soft as a babys behind. But I have to be honest his bed side manner has a lot to be desired. He has no sense of humor and he’s a man of a few words (other than about his surgery) BUT I guess I don’t need a funny guy to operate on my insides. So on a scale of 1 to 10 his surgery gets a 10….. On a scale of 1 to 10 on bedside manner he gets about a 3. …..plus he interrupts you all the time. He wouldn’t let me finish a sentence without interrupting me.


My first impression of Dr. Engstrand is that he is completely knowlegable, no nonsense Doctor.rnDr. Engstand is friendly, but not chatty, and very professional. . rnDr. E emphasizes aftercare and has a very comprehensive program. You're required to see a dietician at regualar intervals.rnThe doctor quickly went over the risks of surgery, but answered any questions I had.rnI would rate him as an excellent surgeon. rnHis surgical competence is probably better than his bedside manner. rn


I think this man is an incredible doctor and surgeon. I have been so pleased with my choice.rnrnWhen you first meet Dr. E., he is much like so many surgeons, not huge in personality and a man of few words, but his skills are amazing. He is very knowledgeable and will answer any question you have quite thoroughly. I can't begin to tell you how safe I felt in those great big warm hands of his.rnrnHis Bariatric Institue of Wisconsin clinic is like a well oiled machine. Everything is done so thoroughly and everyone working there is so competent and kind.rnrnThey are excellent at after care also and continute to follow you. Dr. E and his clinic get a 10 out of 10 rating from me.


Dr. Engstrand was compassionate yet professional. I had full confidence in his ability as a bariatric surgeon and his experience. He has a very comprehensive after care program with a meeting scheduled every month at the hospital. I've only gone to one meeting, but the one I went to was very helpful and informative pre-op. His staff is very knowlegable, but there is not alot of phone follow-up post-op and had I expected that there would be. Dr. Engstrand is a man of few words - so you need to utilize the time spent with him well. I would say that it's important to bring written questions and concerns to appointments so that everything is addressed in that short period of time. He went over all risks and problems associated with this surgery at the first pre-op appointment and helped me decide which surgery would be the most appropriate for me. I did feel that I was well informed with the hand-outs that were given pre-op. I do feel that more info should be given post-op though. I would rate Dr. Engstrand and his office very well. I had a very positive experience so far.


I give Dr. Engstrand two thumbs up! He is wonderful and his office staff are the BEST!They all helped me to understand the process of wls and the risks. They are there to help with all the questions both pre-op and post-op. Both my husband and I had our surgeries done by Dr. Engstrand and I would suggest him to anyone and everyone... he is great!


I went to an informational meeting about the bariatric surgery procedures and it was led by Dr Engstrand. He seems very personable, caring, dedicated and knowledgeabe. I am willing ot trust my life to his capable hands and look forward to my TWO part DS surgery.

I am now about 3 1/2 weeks Post-op for the first 1/2 of the Duodenol Switch surgery, the stomach portion and I must say that I am very pleased with the way Dr Engstrand is so very thorough,he was there through EVERY step of the process, from pre-op colonoscopy to post op leak test!! He is very supportive, answers every question completely and you feel safe with him.

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