Eduardo Gonzales

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 99 ratings

Eduardo Gonzales Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

15 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

3 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 21

Max Age of Patient is 50

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch


Vertical Banded Gastroplasty

99 Reviews for Eduardo Gonzales
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Where is Dr Gonzalez now. I'm 20 yrs out and having a few problems

Sept. 21, 2023


New update June 12-2008rnOver the past few months I have discovered a new and better way of eating. You see the thing with weightloss surgery is that it only works if you learn how to change your eating habits. WLS is a great tool but it will not cure eating habits and the weight will return if we do not address the cause of our addition to food. I know, i had the DS and still gained back 60lbs before i caught myself and decided to finally conquer my eating habits. I refused to have had this surgery almost died and had several more surgeries and still be fat! i simply couuld not acept that! So i set of to reserch my eating habits. first i started writing down everything i was eating, and i found that i was eating wayyy more than i realized. Counting calories became a must for me. Yet i was still gaining weight even then. So i started researching exactly what the food i was eating was doing to my body. i found out that bread for one is like glue in my body it sticks! Never moves and that's not good. chesee and eggs do mostly the same. And surger calls on the pounds like no other. So i decided to change my eating habits. I decided to eat more live foods and less dead food. The minute i went raw food eating i began to drop the pounds! Not in weeks but in days!rnrnI am writing because i understand regained weight. Well guess what I have regained some weight too about 60lbs. I have done well with the Ds as a weightloss tool but what i failed to do was change my eating habits. Weightloss surgery alone will not cure obesity as i have found out myself. So i really don't encourage having more surgery.rnrn However i do encourge examination of the eating habits. What i have discovered is that i have to find a way to eat less and exercise more. Because without exercise and less suger intake weightloss surgery will soon fail. It is only a tool that helps the process it will not cure the process. Lately i have decided to venture out into the research of the foods i eat and i have found that the foods I eat are making me fat. I know this because as soon as i decided to change my eating habits and do some daily walking for exercise the weight began to drop off again! Over the past few months i have been on a raw food adventure. i encourage you to do some reserch into this way of eating and see if it will also help you. i know it will so i am going to direct you to some websites that can help with the process.rnrnPlease do this for yourself you owe it to yourself to try to change your eating habits before cutting yourself again. The DS is a very dramatic and dangerous surgery. if i had found raw food eating before surgery i would not have had the surgery/because without changing your eating habits the surgery will eventually fail. So please do some research on these websites before you decide to have the surgery, take it form someone who has tried both, and they both work but changing the way you view food and exercise will prolong your life.rnrnso check o ut these websitesrn one month i lost 15lbs. and I feel better than ever and still loosing.Raw food living really works!rn***************************rnNew Update sept 19-03rnI am now 3 yrs and 4 months po.Still maintaining my weightloss of 160lbs.rn Dr G is one of the best surgeons aroundrn<br>-New Update.May 2002-rnI saw Dr. G for my one year check up and attended a very imformative support meeting.I am so grateful to this man for giving me my life back!rn<br>~NEW UPDATE~ APRIL 2002rnI am so happy with my new life, I am going to give Dr. G. a big hug when I see him next month!rnOLD NEWS...I guess I am may be, the only person here who has gone through 3 surgeons and still haven't had the surgery yet.lolrnWell, I am NOW with Dr. Gonzales and he came very highly recommended to me. I have a consult with him on 4-23-01 and already, a Surgery date on May 8th-01.I picked him because he does not have a back log of patients waiting. But I am sure in time that too will change. Through my research, i found him to be the best and closes resource to me for this surgery.I switched my approval to him, And he gave me a surgery date!!!rnI will have the open DS.rnI FEEL VERY CONFIDENT AND SECURE WITH HIM AS MY SURGERON.rnI will keep you postedrn*********************************************rn<br>**UPDATE**4-23-01rnHad my consult today in Winston Salem.rnDr. Gonzales was everything I expected and more. He made me and my husband feel so welcome, and he gave us a very good presentation, answered all our questions and gave me a stomach and heart exam. We discussed my pre-ops which will be on may 7th-01 and my surgery will be on May 8th-01 around 6am. He is doing open DS for me and he said it would take about 2 hours, he will also remove the gallbladder, at my request. I will return to him for my first post-op visit and every 6 months there after. He said he wants to see me at least once a year for the rest of my life.rnI like him a lot. Dr Gonzales said that he purposely does not take pictures, because he does not want his business and his concern for his patients advertised like a commercial. He takes what he does very seriously. But he did agree to take one with me. For a larger view see my proflie page.rnI will keep you posted . This is a wonderful adventure and I know, that I know, God is doing this because everything is falling right into place.rn<center><img src=>rn****************************************rn***UPdate**rnMY SURGERY****rnMy surgery took 2 and a half hours, but to me it seemed like 5 minutes from the time I went to sleep until I awoke.rnMy first 2 days were really rough and painful, but once I started getting out of that bed I felt better everyday. Everyone at the hospital were so nice and helpful.rnrnDr. Gonzales did a beautiful job with the incision and I will only have a very thin scar when it fully heals. He was in my room to visit me every single day. He even came by in the middle of the night one time to check on me. He has such a wonderful bed side manner.rnAnd I just read a message he posted to me on the NC list the night before my surgery wishing me the best, I thought that was toooo awesome!rnI thank God for this precious man everyday. His compassion for his patients and his God given talents as a surgeon are truly a blessing to many!rn*********************************************rn


HE WAS WONDERFUL!!!!!!rnOffice staff was hard to get in touch with but they are a very busy practice. Usually my calls were returned that same day.


I miss Dr G. He has moved his practice to Oneida TN now ~ I was his very last patient to see him in his office in Winston Salem, NC - Now I am out of work on ToTaL Disability because ALL ALL ALL of my stomach had to be removed due to ulcers bleeding out. Dr G is / was fantastic!!!! I miss you Dr G!!!!!


My first meeting with Dr Gonzales, I felt very comfortable. He is very straight and to the point. He wants to make sure that after your surgery and years to come you are going to follow through with continuing to come to clinic and support group meetings. He explains what you are to expect, the complications to expect and the risks of the surgery. I would highly recommend him to anyone interested in the surgery. I think he will be the type of surgeon anyone would like to have.


I met with Dr. G and was very impressed with his knowledge of the surgery. I am very confident in putting my life in his hands.


He was very quiet, but confident. His office staff was very professional. I didn't like his confidence at first, but he proved to be correct in his assesments. He is a wonderful doctor with a lot of emphasise on aftercare and nutrition. He had a great bedside manner and great surgical technique.
As time went on, it has been a year now, I learned that Dr. Gonzales is a kind and compassionate man who honestly cares about his patients and their needs. He and his staff has taken excellant care of me and I feel he has saved my life.
When he told me I would have to have my incisional hernia repaired, I suppose I was in shock, because it didn't set well with me. I didn't want to have anymore surgery, not even plastic surgery. I felt like I could live with flappy skin. But that has proven a wrong assumption and I would not have anyone else repair my incision but Dr. Gonzales. I feel completely safe in his care. I'm not certain I'm saying these things right, but I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve where he is concerned. I would trust him with anyone I love.


Dr. G and his staff is just wonderful. They are the most caring people that you would ever want to meet. My first impression was caring, understanding and wonderful and that is still my impression of Dr. Gonzales and his staff.


I really like Dr G and his staff. Aftercare seems very important to them.

Dr G never let me down. He stayed right with me. He always answered all my questions and was so good to my family. even if we asked the same questions over and over again---he never minded. he always had a hug for me or some kind of positive thing to say. he really makes this a personal "contract" with you. he wants to see you shed the pounds. he is the greatest!!!! Negative to say? well, well, sorry cant think of anything!


I met Dr. Gonzales today and was impressed. He has a wonderful laid back and easy style. He loves to answer questions.

His office staff is great. Both Shannons in his office are easy to talk to and very helpful. They actually want to help.

What sold me in making an appointment with him is the support group. They are a very welcoming group and real down to Earth people. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at some of the things they said.

Dr. G was great at explaining the options available and he even explained why he only preforms the R-NY and the BPD/DS. He really believes in what he does.

9/8/04 I had a wonder pre-op meeting with Dr. G and Dr. Smith. I feel so confident going in. They reviewed everything that can happen and how they handle it. Dr. G answered all the question I had and even asked some himself. I had a friend go with me as my family will be coming in this weekend and he even answered all her questions as well. It was a very calming experience.
Dr. Smith even explained how he will help me relax both before and after surgery. He took the time to laugh and relax with us while we were there. All in all, I am so at peace with this and very excited too.

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