Hans Schmidt

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 135 ratings

Hans Schmidt Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

Hans Schmidt Bariatric Surgeon Picture

23 yr Experience

23 yr in Bariatrics

23 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

23 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

Adjustable Gastric Band


ORBERA Intragastric Balloon




and 2 more...

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135 Reviews for Hans Schmidt
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I was very scared to get surgery but I felt very comfortable with Dr. Schmidt's ability to do a great job. He is a wonderful doctor. I had RNY surgery 1 1/2 weeks ago and I feel great!!!


First impression of my surgeon was he didn't push you into anything and explained the different types of surgeries and complications along with after care and how his office always has somebody on staff to answer questions. I chose lap-band it is working very for me i lost 43 lbs so far surgery was 8-22-08 today 12-26-08


Today I met Dr Hans Schmidt for my consultation appointment. He is a very geniune and true person. He is upfront, and when I got there, although there was a wait, he was on a call fighting for other insurances to be as good as mine, Oxford. So, any doctor that will fight with insurances is good in my book. rnrnHe made me feel comfortable, he would spend as much time as you wanted to go over it, and he was a positive person. rnrnI got my date, only 18 days away - and i'm SOOO excited. rnrn(Also - staff in his office are friendly and nice).rnrn09/02/08: Dr Schmidt gave me a new lease on life. What these doctors do, it's amazing. It's even more amazing how I feel. I have more self confidence and belief in myself. I'm so lucky to have gone through this experience. Thank you so much Dr Schmidt. Can't wait to weigh in with you in Sept again.


4/4/2008rnSo far everything is great. Dr Hans and His staff have been wonderful and understanding. He really helped me and understood my need for this surgery and helped me get a date as soon as possible. My first Post-op appointment is next week. I will update then...rn4/12/2008rnDoing really good... On Phase 2 - Mushy/Watery/Puree foods. So Far down 19 pounds and feeling motivated. Had my Post-Op Appointment on Thursday and Everything is great!! The Dr's staff is great and He is also fantastic. Will be seeing him in 5 Weeks for my first FILL!! rn5/15/2008rnDoing great. Eating great. Got my fill today. But am down about another 10 pounds. Whoo Hoo!!rn6/19/2008rnHave lost weight. Had to get a fill at 5 weeks because I was eating and getting hungry fast and too soon after eating. Doc and staff is great and understanding. Wedding coming up in less than 2 months. I was told to enjoy myself!! LOLrn8/22/2008rnNext Dr's appt is 9/3. Was on my honeymoon. Just got back. Eating normal not alot and just getting a little hungry sooner than I would like. Down 52 pounds. Hooray!!


i think he is a great , caring doctor but the staff there is very un caring i called kathleen mon n tues last week still never got a call back that was a week ago ! i called then to schedule class n doc appt follow up that wed before surgury do to fact i can not make it that following thur , then said no problem come june 30th to kathleens class n see doc ewing then i had my surgury fri (27), no issues then till sat i lost my voice n had really bad chest pains n still do when cough, laugh , breathe , sneeze so i got ride to the office today we get there the front desk tells me oh no kathleen canceled the class today it was to start in 3o minutes NO ONE called me then i said ok well i am also here to see the doc it was scheduled wed n they go oh no you can not i told them i am in alot of chest pain n the girl goes oh well you have to wait to see doc schmidts next week thats 10days away !!!!!!!!!! am so scared with these pains if they are not better i will go to the er n if something is wronge believe me that girl will be responsible ! i can not believe how awful that staff was did not care how much pain i was in at all


A friend of mine had used Dr. Schmidt and highly recommended him....I would also recommend Dr. Schmidt to anyone that is looking to have either a Lap-band or Gastric Bypass surgery.....He answered any questions that i had and put me at ease about the whole process....The aftercare program and the people that work in his office are tremendous and I am extremely thankful that I chose his office.


My first impression was great, he is a Mets fan as I. So that broke the ice rather quickly! He listened to my husband and I, went over my history calculated my bmi, and saw how bad my ability to do activities of daily life.rnHe has to be the sweetest doctor that I have met, most doctors who see an over weight patient treat you like dirt. He doesn't.rnrnHis staff, well they were all great! I made friends with Tis over the phone, she understood making appointments was hard for me, because I can't drive very well with my legs as bad as they are. She did everything in her power to get the appointment for me. Thank you Tia.rnrnThe staff goes over all the before and after care, he has nurses and dieticians on his staff in his office can't go wrong.rnrnYes he stated the risk of surgery's if he didn't I wouldn't be going, Dah! rnrnThe best of the bestrnrnI will let you know on May 23rnrnPeace out


I thought he was standoffish during the seminar, but he was warm during our one on one visit. I left with a complete understanding of the procedure and what it entailed. rnrnI was very upset that I had only lost 2lbs one week post op and he really seemed concerned and sympathic toward my reaction.rnrnIn general I was pleased with the office staff and their assistance in this process. What I liked least was that I didn't see him at all after the procedure but I was well looked after. In fact my nurses had the precedure and were so helpful.Aftercare started with the 1st preop visit,I'll meet with the dietician during my next visit.rnrnI'm very pleased overall and have recommended Dr. Schmidt to several friends.rn


He is a great guy, I would recommend him to anyone.


Dr. Schnidt seemed very confident and was first seen by me in a group setting at the pre-op seminar. After signing up to meet the Dr. and awaiting my appointment I spent time asking some questions about him with some folks who know about the hospital and his reputation. I also carefully reviewed the pre-op info package given to me at the seminar. When my meeting with the Dr. took place I was even more assured I had made the right choice for choosing him as my surgeon. All my pre-op fears were quieted. Dr. Schmidt's office and staff are both accomidating calming and helpful. The doctor spent plenty of time explaining each step to be taken. What He and his staff would do and what my responsibilities and aftercare would be. All possible risk factors were dicussed and my confidence in him and in going on with the operation was reinforced.

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