James Clay Wellborn

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 27 ratings

James Clay Wellborn Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

22 yr Experience

23 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

98% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

27 Reviews for James Clay Wellborn
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Well I have bad news, Dr. Allen has passed away. His office gave me to Dr. Wellborn. I get to see him 8/16/2004 and they have me going in for surgery on 8/20/2004. I will update more when I get back from seeing the doctor.rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn

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Dr. Wellborn was very nice during my consultation. I had originally considered another surgeon, but chose Dr. Wellborn after attending his very thorough informational. He spent about 3 hours going over the whole process. He was just as nice and informative during my consultation. I really appreciated the time he spent answering all of my questions without regard for time. He was very forthcoming about his credentials and his surgical record. I'm very impressed with him. I will update after my surgery

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I was very impressed with his passion for helping people with the problem of obesity. He was very knowledgeable and his staff so far has been so very helpful. I feel safe in his hands.rnrnA year after my surgery I feel like one of many sheep in the office. I have NEVER laid eyes on the Dr. after my surgery- ever! (Surgery April 2007) I am only able to attend meetings on rare occasions due to work, and I feel like I'm not in \"the clique...\" Dr Wellborn's aftercare leaves one feeling like they are on their own.rn

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I went to the free seminar and just fell in love with him and his staff. They were very informative and very straight forward. All his staff members have had this surgery and they all look great. One thing I enjoyed was the fact that he is doing this for people so they can have a better life a healthier life. That is my goal because I want to be healthy and be able to keep up wtih my three children. I went to free seminars with three other physicains in the Little Rock, Arkansas area and really he was the one I liked best. I highly recommend him.


Well I am finally getting to go see the Doc next wed, I have finally got all of my insuraunce pre testing completed. Leslie has been a big help with getting all this done. Hopefully in a couple of months I will join all the bandsters.rnrnrnrnrnrnrn


My hubby and I love Dr Wellborn. He was one of the first 50 docs in the U.S. to be trained for lapband. He's a very skilled doctor and I highly recommend him!!!


My first impression of Dr. Wellborn was that he is very intelligent and seems very concerned about obese people. His staff also seems very concerned and helpful. At his seminar he does not rush anyone. He actually spoke longer than planned and stayed and answered every question from every person there. I met with him for my consultation and felt like he spent alot of time with me explaining the procedure and what my life will be like. I went to see him again 2 weeks following my surgery and this was a shorter appt. because he just needed to check and make sure I was healing properly. I will recieve my first fill in 2 weeks.


Dr. Wellborn seems to be a very knowledgeable, caring doctor. I just met him on 2/20/07 at the seminar that he provides and he took extra time to speak with me personally. He answered all of my questions that I had, didn't seem to be rushed at all and calmed my fears. His office staff that I have met so far, all seem to be very sweet and helpful. I will update this as I get further into the process.


He is a very smart man. I love his office staff. It makes you feel better when you know that some of the nurses have gone through what you have. He is very good about answering all your questions and so is his staff. I would rate my overall experience excellent. I couldn't have asked for a better Dr.


Dr. Wellborn is a very good doctor. He does talk a lot but what is so nice is that he will take as much time as you need to answer questions. Surgery is a scary thing for everyone and I would rather have a surgeron that will take his time to and answer all your questions than one that rushes you through.rnrnDr. Wellborn's office staff are great. They are always there to answer questions. It is easier to email them since they get so many phone calls. They will help with paperwork and insurance problems and since two of the girls have had the lap band it was reassuring since they had been through the procedure.

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