James Givens

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 36 ratings

James Givens Bariatric Surgeon M.D., FACS

20 yr Experience

20 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

Glen Strickland Profile Pic
Glen Strickland
Marc Antonetti Profile Pic
Marc Antonetti
S. Gray Hughes Profile Pic
S. Gray Hughes
Emily Kohls Profile Pic
Emily Kohls
Eric Cockrell Profile Pic
Eric Cockrell
MSN, RN, CNOR, CHES, Bariatric Coordinator
Erin Thompson Profile Pic
Erin Thompson
Lori Norris Profile Pic
Lori Norris

36 Reviews for James Givens
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I have nothing good to say about Jim Givens. 2 years following my gastric by pass I suffered life threatening complications. For 3 days the nursing staff at Lexington Medical Center kept contacting him and the answer was I was not their patient. When he finally decided to show up, I was in the process of throwing up the contents of my intestines. He threw his hands up and said he's be back later. Later as the nursing staff continues to try to get him back, I sent my friend to the support group meeting to get him to come.....same answer not my patient. Finally, one of his partners came, I was rushed to surgery and woke up in ICU on a ventilator. That doctor saved my life and said had they waited 30 more minutes I would have been dead. Every medical person involved in that ,but Givens, apologized to me. I spent a month in the hospital and when Givens would make his rounds, he'd stand in the door for 5 seconds. I never got a straight answer from him about what happened and had to get the surgeon that I hired after I got rid of him to explain what exactly happened. Since then, i've endured 12 additional abdominal surgeries and 8 months with a biliary catheter.


Dr. Givens is wonderful. He has been doing WLS for over 20 years and is apart of the best program in the state. His staff is very helpful and knowledgeable and most of them are patients who have successfully worked their tool. I highly recommend Dr. Givens to anyone wanting WLS.


Dr.Givens gives a wonderful first impression he is straight forward and to the point and goes out of his way to assist your needs. The office staff was very friendly and well educated about weight loss surgery. The one thing I like least about the office that some of the workers were not as patient as they should be for patients that knew nothing about the process before surgery, but over all I was very pleased with them all. I would recommend Riverside Surgical and Dr.Givens any and everyone seeking weight loss surgery.


At fisrt I requested an appt with DR Strickland, but after meeting with Dr. Givens and talking to him I decided to just stay with him. He is very educated and experienced in Bariatric surgery and I trust him.


Awesome caring man. Very professional in all aspects. Hands down one of the best surgeons to perform Gastric ByPass surgery. I would have no hesitations in using him again. Dr. Givens and the rest of his entire staff care about the whole person, not just the physical aspects but also the mental aspects in taking care of one's needs. You become a patient of his for life. rnrnOn a scale from 1 - 10 he would get a 10+.rnrnThe only down side to this whole experience was the wait for insurance approval - I have found from my research that apparently this is not an isolated situation - it is a fairly standard complaint from many people. That was the biggest issue I had in this whole experience - waiting on insurance kind of puts everything in limbo. Other than that one issue, there were no other problems for me.


My first impression of Dr. Givens was very nice. It was st my first WLS Seminar. He was very informative and very patient. I had my consult a few days later and he was just as informative as in the seminar. He ordered tests that were relevant and important to our beginning and stressed the availability of himself and staff to me for any questions. His staff has already submitted my letter for approval. I must say they are very organized and very attentative to details. rnrnDr. Givens stressed the importance of committment to life and lifestyle changes in order to be successful with the surgery and life thereafter. He emphasised the importance of keeping appointments, following dietary guidelines and emotional and physical well being. We discussed the risks of surgery and the added risks that would perhaps affect my situation. I would rate him as \"Excellent\". Surgical competence and beside manner are great but the unwavering human concern for another is even better. Helping someone reach a better quality of life through information, surgical competence and a care for human beings is great all by itself.


Dr. Givens had done a hernia repair for me a couple of years prior to my lap band surgery. He is a very skilled and caring surgeon - very patient with my internet research questions. Even though my lap band failed, I would make the same choice if I had it to do over again.


I've only had my first consultation with Dr. Givens thus far, but he seems very personable, and knowledgable. The office staff were all very nice, and very well versed in the process. They are a Center of Excellence for WLS, and it shows. There is a highly structured program of pre op and post op care. There will be several requirements, one of which is a nutrition and post op care class. As I work through the process, hopefully I can update with more details.


Dr. Givens seems to be a very friendly, concerned and honest surgeon. He made me feel very comfortable right away!!! rnHis office staff were very friendly courteous. I am confident that this will be a much better experience than last time.


I really like him and trust his word.Dr. Givens is a wonderful doctor and i am very happy with what he has done for me.

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