Jerzy Macura

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 with 57 ratings

Jerzy Macura Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

16 yr Experience

16 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch



57 Reviews for Jerzy Macura
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10 years ago. I was happy with the actual surgery.


I met Dr Macura while he was still practicing in Staten Island in 2000 - I looked into his eyes and knew I could trust him with my life - his staff was friendly & professional - they took me through each step prior to surgery including group meetings, blood work, psych eval, etc., and kept me informed of every step in the recovery process. I started at 502# and had nobody judging me - there was only 100% support - my expected weight loss after surgery was a max of 60-70% of my excess which would have left me in the 300# range -my aftercare was so thorough, and my own dedication to the work necessary on my part led me to lose 92% of my excess (more than 320#s!) I could not have accomplished such a feat without Dr Macura and his dedicated staff - sadly, not long after my procedure, he moved to Brooklyn and I stayed with the SI location for aftercare, but I would have died without Dr Macura and would recommend him to anyone considering such life-altering surgery!! He is wonderful and caring with great bedside manner - I have maintained the loss since 2003 (7 years now)


For anyone who is thinking about using Dr. Macura, don't even think twice... The best I can say is OMG... I started with a surgeon in my area whose office workers were lets just say, not nice people. They were not nice people at all and switched to Dr. Macura in late September. From day 1 I was met with pleasant people. Elana the P.A. is by far the nicest, most helpful person I have ever met. She is attentive, returns phone calls within and hour if she is busy. I can't say more about the best I have ever seen and would love for everyone to know this.


My first impression of Dr. Macura was that he was gentle ,soft spoken ,and experienced he answered all my questions and I felt at ease when I left the clinic,office staff are the nicest people,they were happy with me and it felt good.Future patients should know they want you to get the surgery as fast as you want it,but you have go to the prosses they require.


he was awesomern


All I will say is that I wouldn't wish Dr. Macura on anyone. He runs a bypass factory and all he's concerned with is $$$.rnrnI had the surgery 5 years ago - and because of him have had to endure multiple repair surgeries and am now living with chronic pain.rnrnI wouldn't wish him on anyone.rnrnBut hey, thats only MY experience right?


Dr. Macura is a very professional person when I met him right away I felt the good vibes. He went over the whole process in full details and made sure that all my questions were answered and that I was in good knowledege of what he was explaining. His office staff is very nice they treated me very well. The one to stand out more was ANNA she does an excellent job.I liked his professionalism as well as his staff. I would recommend Dr.Macura to anyone who is doing WLS. On a scale of 1-10 I would give Dr.Macura a high 10 very well deserved.


My first impression of Dr. Macura was that he was genuine and was very patient to explain every detail about the Lap Band surgery. He even drew pictures to show how the Band is placed and how many and where the incisions would be placed. I was really taken aback by his demeanor. He was GREAT! He has a great WLS program and his staff is AWESOME!!! In my book, he is the BEST and I would recommend him with no reservations. I am so happy that he is my Lap Band doctor!


Dr. Macura has excellent bedside manner. He truely cares for his patients and is optimistic and confident about his work. He answered all of my questions ( and I had some pretty tough ones). I would reccomend him to anyone.


My, what a nice man! I was impressed with his ability to answer ALL OF my questions before I could ask them (please believe that I came fully prepared with a list of 15 questions). Very mild mannered and he seemed sincere in wanting to do what's best for the patient. Very professional, yet personable. rnUPDATE: 5 1/2 months post-op and I love my surgeon, Dr. Macura (Dr. Sherwinter. is cool, too...he normally does my fills)rnYou're making a good choice if you choose either or them!

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