John Mecenas

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 44 ratings

John Mecenas Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

2 yr Experience

7 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 65

Brian Bollo Profile Pic
Brian Bollo
Tiffany Bell Profile Pic
Tiffany Bell
RN, Bariatric Program Coordinator
Myra Berkowitz Profile Pic
Myra Berkowitz
Cindy Milner Profile Pic
Cindy Milner
Jaime Balas Profile Pic
Jaime Balas

44 Reviews for John Mecenas
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My first impression of Dr Macenas was his knowledge of the procedure and his professionalism. Dr Macenas spent 1 1/2 hrs with me at my consultation. He was very thorough with his explainion of both gastric bypass and lap band surgeries. His office staff was very supportive. I felt very comfortable from the start with Dr Macenas, he answered all my questions. I have recommend Dr Macences to several friends who are thinking of having this surgey. Dr Macenas is very involved in after care, he stress the importance to contact him with any questions or problems and also the benifit of attending support group meetings. I was well informed of the risks of this surgey. He is fairly new in our area so the support group has just gotten up and going and I am a big part of running the support group. I would rate Dr Macenas with the highest rating possible. He is a great person. I am so thankful that I had a gastric by-pass, my life has changed so much, I have gone from being 295lbs to 175lbs in 9 month, I no longer take medication for high blood pressure, my joints don't ache anymore. Dr Macenas has a great bedside manner and even a greater surgical competence. I would do it all again the benifits out way the few days of after surgey pain. Jean Dennis


As of 8/3/06 I am still in the process of being approved by Dr. Mecenas. My first impression was. \" this young doctor is knowledgable and confident. Great, I made a good choice\". He was prepared to go over every aspect of the surgery, the good and the bad. Dr. Mecenas has strict guidelines to be approved by him for surgery, for the pre-op requirements, for the post- op requirements, and for the rest of my life. He left no possible questions unanswered. All of his requirements made me feel confident about the surgery and so pleased that he has complete attention to detail. Every staff person was warm and professional. They have never made me feel uncomfortable in any way.rnrnAlthough he has not yet performed my surgery, I give him the highest praise. Talking to his post-op patients I have learned that he will go beyond the usual call of duty for his patients. I know that most patients will give compalints if they have had a problem.rnrnSurgical competence plus bedside manner are both important for physical and mental well being. I am pleased to report that Dr, Mecenas has both.


Dr. Mecenas is a very nice surgeon. My first impression was that he was direct and straight to the point. He tells you like it is. I think as time goes on, I'll get to know him better, but I felt very confident that he would do a good job.

Aftercare with Dr. Mecenas is priority. On your first visit he tells you that it most important.


I finally met Dr. Mecenas and he is just like everyone said, soft spoken, very detailed in what he tells you, and young. Young is good as the young doctors are up on all the latest ways to take care of people and help them. I look forward to being called back for my second visit.


On my second visit to Dr Mecenas's office I got to meet Dr Mecenas. The first visit to his office I had to be interviewed and examined by a physicians assistant. Dr Mecenas is a very quiet but very informative, he reviewed the surgical procedure of RNY on his laptop computer in the office. Even though I had already seen a nutitionist two times I have to see the nutritionist at Cayuga Medical Center in Ithaca. My appointment is on Oct 12, 2005. I feel very comfortable with Dr Mecenas and I hope to have my second appointment a couple of weeks after I meet with the nutritionist.


Very professional and YOUNG! I felt he was extremly knowlegable and thorough. I did feel he was a bit cold at first. Maybe too clinical. This opinion changed over time however.
His office staff is wonderful and very helpful and great with the insurance companies.
Dr M is a very strong believer in aftercare and support groups. I think this is wonderful!
He has an online support group and a regular group meeting.
He is quick to point out and stress the risks and benefits of your surgery.
I would give him an A+


My first impression Of John is that he is very intelligent and and is young enough not to have poor eyesight/bifocals. He presented his info with a steady hand! (-:

I was impressed with his ability to comminicate at the appropriate level with my husband and myself and he made sure to explain a variety of options for me to consider.

My second visit felt a bit more awkward to me, I really had very few questions and I have confidence in his skills so I am really just waiting to be scheduled. Over time I hear more and more about him on the support network and I am always impressed with the follow-up support he gives his patients.

The only thing I don't like is the distance I need to go to see him which is beyond his control.

If you plan to visit Ithaca make sure you allow an extra 45 minutes for town traffic , I am sure their are back routes to follow but without them you may underestimate the time it takes to get to his office.

He stresses the contant need for lifestyle changes and followup appointments, I think his after care will be incredible from what I hear. So far I rate him 9.9 out of 10, ask me after the surgery!

I will provide more feedback after I have my surgery.


Dr Mecenas was very professional.He looks very young...and comes across very reserved,but as soon as we spoke I was sure he was who I wanted to do my surgery. He spent much time describing and discussing options for you to choose from. He wants you to make your decision with his guidance, not him telling you what you need. He is every cautious in your preop work up. Weight loss prior to surgery is a beginning. Then the plan for liwuids for 2 weeks prior to surgery was a true test of my perserverance. His Office staff are very personable and will go beyond to assist you with any arrangements needed to finalize pre-op plans.
Dr M. is very explicit reguarding aftercare.
He wants to see you exercising and nutritionally progressing as spoken in pre-op discussion. You have a forever connection with the Dietiation who has worked you up pre-op...Ema is wonderful. Dr Mecenas has you write a letter to him requesting the surgery and you must explain all the risks he discussed with you and your plan for post-op care. there are no surprises when he gets finished with your workup. I would rate him a 10/10...Being a nurse Myself he has earned my respect and he respects me as his patient. I think surgical competence is very important, but Dr. M has been blessed with both bedside manner and surgical competence.


My first impression of Dr. Mecenas was that he was very soft spoken, compassionate, and very informative. I felt very assured that I was in very good care from the start of my journey. Dr. M gave me a wonderful gift, or "tool" as he would call it, and when I reach my goal he would like me to receive all the credit, rather than himself. Each one of his staff members has always been there with any questions I may have wanted answered. I appreciated all of there hard work and dedication Rhonda had to each of Dr. M's patients. Overall I would rate him as over exceeding my expectations. They have made this entire journey a calm and positive one.


Very careful about everything. No he checked everything. The staff always pleasant. Not much of a sense of humor. I think he is an excellant surgeon. Trust in him. Aftercare is a big part of the surgery process. Yes follow-ups are required. Yes he explained all the risks of having the surgery. I felt as if the risks of not having the surgery were far greater. I again state he is an excellant surgeon. Both with be nice but Surgical competence really out weight bedside manner. I don't want a really funny guy cutting on me if he is not competent.

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