Karen E. Gibbs, MD, FACS

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 11 ratings

Karen E. Gibbs, MD, FACS Bariatric Surgeon Director of Bariatric & Minimally Invasive Surgery

8 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

11 Reviews for Karen E. Gibbs, MD, FACS
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First of All, I love my surgeon! When you first meet her she is a no nonsense woman! She is to the point! When I first saw her I knew she was the surgeon for me because she was clear and very straight forward. I think this is very important when you are trying to get something done that is this serious to who you are. You want to know that you can totally trust this person. Remember you will be going under total anethesia. I am totally grateful to this woman! I am beyond words! Thank you DOCTOR!


I first Dr. Gibbs December of 2006, when I went into her office for a WLS informational. She was strict with her requirements but I learned to appreciate this because she only wanted the best results for her patients and with as least complications as possible. I have been seeing Dr. Gibbs and her staff for over a year now, and they all are helpful and offer lots of guidance and support. I am looking forward to her performing my surgery and helping me to regain my life!


I felt such a connecting with Dr. Gibbs she is very serious at what she does and I am confident that my life will dramatically change due to this surgery. She addressed all of my concerns and answered all of my questions. She really shows she cares for you and your well and health being and I actually start to cry as I typed this because I have been so blessed to have Doctors in my life that really care for me. My neurologist has been really insisting that I get this surgery to basically save my life and I am so pleased to know that I made a very good choice in Dr. Gibbs . I had my surgery on Halloween and Dr. Gibbs was there when I woke up. I had no pain at all or complications from the surgery. She came to see me numerous times I was in the hospital and all I have to say is.. SHE IS THE BEST. I will always be grateful that she gave me a new view on life.


I Love Dr. Gibbs . I tell her all the time she is my ANGLE... She doesn't sugarcoat anything straight to the point. Thats what makes her so great.


I have decided to have my WLS as my bariatric surgeon. I've gone to a total of 3 WLS sessions and Dr. Gibbs' was the second WLS info session that I attended. She is through and most importantly, she is serious about her work and the fact that she expects you to work on your weight loss from day one. I am having my first appointment with her on August 3, 2007. As with any life changing endeavors, I have some apprehension, however, I know that I am beginning this journey with the right surgeon and support staff for me.


Whe i meet Dr. Gibb, she wavery informative and straight in reference about her work. She explained evey detail information about the two surgery that she performs. I have heard that she is a great surgeon. She does expect you to lose some weight by the time you see her on a one to one consultation, which I feel that is great. I look forward to working my way to having my surgery with Dr. Gibbs.


Dr.Gibbs was the best! When you first meet Dr. Gibbs she appears to be very soft spoken and mild mannered. Looks can be deceiving. She is tough in that she expects you to do all the things necessary to lessen the potential risks with the surgery. She expects you to be knowledgable about what type of surgery you are getting. She is always testing you to see how informed the patient is. In addition she expects you to losse some weight prior to surgery. she was always very professional. The staff in the hospital had nothing but wonderful things to say about her. I would highy recommend Dr. Gibbs to anyone. The only complaint that I had was with Dr. Gibbs secretary (Sean). He was hard to get in contact with. He was someone that you had to constantly stay on top of. He did a poor job of following up with things in a timely manner.


My first impression of Dr. Gibbs was very impressive she was very informative in the class that she gives before you have your first consultation. She made sure that all your questions were answered. I am waiting to have my first consultation with her on January 19th. I've heard nothing but good things about this doctor. She is tough and firm but fair as far as I can tell.


Dr.Gibbs is a person not to be taken litely she is very strict doctor but it great because she thero so that you know your stuff for surgery. thanks to her have am awear of what is expected of me before during and after surgery.

She is also very nice she makes me feel comfortable.

Her staff has been very nice to me with helping set up for pre-op meatings.

if you consider dr. gibbs be sure that you are going to do things to a tea because its a very serious matter and your life depends on ever wrong desition you make before and after surgery and shes not going to have you risk your life if your not going to change for the long run.

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My first impression of Dr.Gibbs was how serious she was she didnt crack a smile once lol but i just see how focused she is on her job.the next time i saw her she was adamant with me about knowing my pro's and con's with the relationship and had no problem with telling me she wasnt comfortable with signing off on my surgery unless i was well informed and could list various complications and what they meant
her office staff was great sean her secretary is a life saver and made alot of things easier for me
Dr.Gibbs bedside manner was great i believe the whole week i was there i saw her pretty regularly she was a great comfort to me just seeing her soothed me a great bit

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