Karim Zahriya

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 9 ratings

Karim Zahriya Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

10 yr Experience

1 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

<1 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 65

9 Reviews for Karim Zahriya
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I was very impressed with Dr Zahriya. I would recommend him to anyone. Dr. Keshishian was also a good surgeon. Both of them are very wonderful people.rnrnSome of the staff is extremely kind and all are readily available to answer questions or concerns.rnrnBoth surgeons care about their patients and want them to keep in contact, go to support meetings, and keep aftercare appointments for life.rnrnIf not for the long drive, I would have continued to attend meetings and followup appointments.


I went to meet them on June 30th. They were very helpful, honest and really were wanting to help you know exactly what you are getting into with this surgery. rnrnWell, he did my surgery and was as nice as can be. Even when he had to remove the drains. That was by far the worse part of having surgery.


Well first let me say that Dr.Z is a very nice man. I have met a few drs that were not very nice or caring about obese people but I have to say that he is. My impression of him has not changed I still feel that he is a great surgeon and very compassionate.The office staff is very friendly and helpful in answering questions or getting paperwork done that is needed.The only thing I did not like was the fact that he was so blunt ( I guess in a good way) by telling me that I would more than likely need a hip & thigh tuck. I have to say that his bedside manner is very good actually I dont think I have anything bad as of yet to say about him. Anyone looking for a good surgeon I would definately recommend DR.Zahriya but of course if you get one you get them both because they assist each other so you cant really go wrong.


He is very kind,cares about people and answers questions to the best of his knowledge. He answers you in a way that you can understand not in drs terms.His staff is very fast they get you in and out as fast as they can cause they have so many patients but they make sure that all your needs are handled before they send you off.I have not had surgery yet so i cant say much about that part yet but i have heard many good things about him from other patients that have had the wls by him.


I was so blessed to have found Dr Z! He is just wonderful. Very intelligent, well mannered, funny, and informative. I felt very comfortable with him at my first consult and I have total faith in his abilities. He is so used to my warped sense of humor that thinking up new ways to make him blush is getting tough! But I cannot think of even ONE negative thing to say about this man. Sometimes I feel like I must have been his most "non-compliant patient from Hell" But still he smiles and is amazingly wonderful! (still waiting for that commerative plaque in my hospital room!) <br>

As a MediCal patient I have spent years feeling like a second class citizen. But with Dr's Z and K and the whole office at Central Valley Bariatrics as well as at DRMC I felt like I was a first class client all he way!!!. <br>

As for the office staff? What can I say? There are just no words to express the wonderful, caring way they treat the patients. I am so grateful to Dee for putting up with my million dumb questions and to Michelle AND Adianna for being the angels they are! They have fought so many fights for us and WON! Everyone there has such an attitude of caring that it amazes me even now, a year later to walk in and still find that great support and caring. <br>

I am blessed to have found the yahoo group. We are all so different but together we form a group of people with a common bond, and that is so awesome! They have touched my life in so many ways. I know that there I can find friendship, understanding, acceptance, and answers, because they are all so willing to share your experiences, strengths and hopes with people who are just beginning the journey as well as with those who have gone before. God has blessed me with a beautiful group of friends who practice what they preach, acceptance, caring, support, and friendship.

Dr Z (and K) may God bless you and may Gods hands continue to guide YOUR hands as you care for us! With you we are not just numbers, or charts, we are people, and that means a lot!


I first met Dr. Zahriya at a support group meeting. At first I just sat back and was listening to the other people around me talking about surgery (both pre-ops and post-ops). He made a definite point to get me involved in the conversation and find out what exactly I was looking for and why I was there. When I finally did decide that I wanted to have DS surgery, I knew that he would be the one I would go to. His office staff was great. It took about two weeks for me to hear from the office staff telling me that my insurance had approved everything and I was good to go. Dr. Z puts a LOT of emphasis on aftercare and progams. It helps to go to the support group meetings every month. He's very accessable and will answer any questions. He let me know all the risks associated with the surgery, especially when I requested that he do my surgery lapriscopically, which they normally do not do in Delano. He did a fabulous job. My long incision is about 2 1/2-3 inches long above my belly button because he did a "hand-assist" All the others are much smaller. Dr Z has both surgical competence and great bedside manner!!!


My surgeon is Dr Zahriya. When I met with him, he was nice. (hansome too) I thought he did a very good job of explaining everything to me, he made sure I understood what I am doing and that this surgery is not a quick fix, it is a tool to help me to be sucessful in my weight loss and control. He is easy to talk to and respectful. I felt comfortabel with him. The staff in Dr Z's office is also very nice, and they have been very helpful to me. I have no complaints at all. I think they are all very wonderful.


I was going through Kaiser at SSF and I would not recommend any of the staff because I had a horrible experience. This is just my opinion. I only liked Susan the dietician because she always listened and called me to check on me.

I will be meeting with him on July 19th for my consult. He is the primary surgeon and Dr. Keshishian is the assistant surgeon. They assist on each others patients. They are both very competent and look forward to my surgery day with them.

I met Dr. Zahriya today and he is great.He is very nice and warm and sensitive to obese people. He is good looking too. I feel he is very competent and look forward to having him as my surgeon.

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