Kenneth Bryce

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 29 ratings

Kenneth Bryce Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

12 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

16 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

25% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 60

29 Reviews for Kenneth Bryce
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I would strongly recommend Dr. Bryce. He was direct in his evaluation and explanations of the benefits and risks of the surgery. I was traveling from San Antonio to Rockwall to have my surgery with Dr. Bryce and it was well worth the travel. His staff is fantastic - tons of pre and post op support. This has been a fantastic experience and I cannot thank Dr. Bryce and his staff enough. For anyone in the South/Central Texas area - it is worth it to travel to Rockwall to have the VSG procedure.


I have mixed emotions about my surgeon. As the surgery itself went well, my follow up and support after surgery was horrible. It was as though I didn't exsist once I went home! There was no support for aftercare. The support group went away - and when I did attend the support group it was very difficult to be included in things.

I have since changed doctors and am hoping that I can get back on track and the Lap Band will work for me.


Dr. Bryce's bedside manner is great. He is kind and very to the point. This will be my 2nd surgery by him and I am very pleased it will be him. His new Lap- Band facility is very spacious and he looks great after having the Lap- Band put in himself. His secretary was a little abrupt with us but maybe she was having a bad day? He was also about an hour late but his secretary said he had an emergency surgery. I know if it was me having the emergency surgery I would want him to take his time. He is a nice man and I would reccomend him to anyone considering Lap- Band.


Dr. Bryce is awesome! He is banded himself so he knows first-hand the struggles of weight loss surgery. His seminar was first rate as well. Dr. Bryce was a little late in arriving that night. I was not surprised as doctors often run late. What did surprise me was that Dr. Bryce presented the program and them answered questions, literally, until no one had any more questions. Zip, zilch, nada. He was in no hurry to get home. He acted as if he had all the time inthe world. I appreciate that so much. My surgery experience was good. I would totally recommend Dr. Kenneth Bryce to anyone considering lapband surgery.


I felt very comfotable around Dr.Byce . He is a very laid back soft spoken man. He also has had the surgery him self.. Which made me feel better..I would rate Dr.Byce at a 8////


I attended a seminar presented by Dr. Bryce, who has recently had lap-band surgery himself. He took all the time needed to explain the process thoroughly, and my husband (who went in a doubtful mood) came away very supportive of my having surgery. His office staff is exceptional--they are all WLS veterans and knowledgeable about nutrition and care. He provides a nutrition class in his office where members of his staff explain the regimen he wants his patients to follow.
I'm not sure about his aftercare program--I have my first post-op appointment next week. There is a support group moderated by persons in his office, but I think it is too far away to help me much.
Dr. Bryce has been performing WLS for years, and I felt that this type experience was exactly what I was looking for.
I would rate him very high overall--he was reassuring and competent. I think I chose him based on his caution and competence.


I have worked with Dr. Kenneth Bryce and Dr. David Ritter for over ten years. I know that they are two of the best laparoscopic surgeons I have ever worked with. Their patients do wonderful post-op and they have a wonderful way of making you feel secure, well taken care of and they both have plenty of time to answer all your questions. Their aftercare is wonderful and their office staff is really on the ball. Their surgical competence and bedside manner are very professional and I would rate them the highest. I have worked in the Surgery dept. for over a 34 year career span and I will tell anyone that seeing day in and day out tells a true story. I would reccomend these two fine Surgeons to anyone who wants the best of care. Sincerely, Louann Maher


I have not had my surgery yet... but I can tell you about my surgeon. I have to say I am very biased. I worked with Dr. Bryce for several years. I cared for his patients while I worked as a floor nurse on the surgical unit at Lake Pointe Medical Center. Dr. Bryce and Dr. Ritter (both are present for the surgery) are wonderful and trustworthy surgeons. I have cared for probably thousands of their pt's. They both have EXCELLENT beside manner and more importantly they are VERY COMPETENT. Their pt's never get infections (at least not while they were in the hospital) and they really do care about their pt's. Also, I have to add; they are very professional and interact with the nursing staff well. I trust them enough to do this surgery ...I will update to let everyone know how it goes!
The Pathweigh staff, who I have just met, seem very friendly and supportive. I have not had any problems. I got approved in two weeks.


Dr. Bryce and his staff have been great through this entire process. My husband had surgery with Dr. Bryce in May of 2004, so we have had the opportunity to experience what he his like twice. We would highly recommend him to anyone in the area seeking surgery.

He does have a structured aftercare program and very thorougly addresses the risk of surgery.


Dr. Bryce was wonderful. He explained everything before the surgery. I had had a previous stomach staple in the mid 1980's and needed a revision. The doctor that did my original surgury had died five years before and I couldn't find anyone to help me. Before I found Dr. Bryce I had gained 67 pounds back. I was desperate. Dr. Bryce agreed to perform my surgery. I believe he saved me physically and mentally.

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