Mohammad El-Hillal

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 8 ratings

Mohammad El-Hillal Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

28 yr Experience

23 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

0 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

10% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

Max Age of Patient is 120

8 Reviews for Mohammad El-Hillal
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He was a bit gruff on the initial appointment. I have been told he is more personable when you get to know him better. He seems very knowledgeable and showed me he has been doing this surgery since 1980. I got to see wonderful before and after pics of his patients. I feel pretty confident about going with him and am now just waiting for an approval or rejection from insurance.


I met with the doctor today, Sept. 2nd. I was a bit nervous having to go alone, and he seemed to be rushing through things. I found out later that he was called to the trauma unit at Jeannette Hospital for an emergency car crash victim, but because I had come a good ways he didn't want me to have to come back over another day and wanted to start the process for me. So I thought that was nice, though I hope he is more relaxed next time we meet. I'm also a little nervous about it being an open RNY, but I still definately want it!


He is a really nice guy, and he knows what he is talking about, He seems to have no organization when it comes to his desk , and seems to be a scatter brain, but he knows what he is doin...


Had my initial consult with Dr. ElHillal today, Sept.23. I was very impressed by his manner and the pictures he showed my husband and me of his WLS patients. He stresses safety and aftercare and has a zero mortality rate after doing about 2000 of the open RNY. I also like the fact that he will be checking my other organs for signs of disease while he has me open. Even though my recovery time will be a bit longer with the open procedure, it seems the safest way to go for me. Mona, Dr. ElHillal's receptionist, was friendly and will handle the insurance procedure. Dr.Mo, as his patients call him, answered all of my questions and discussed the risks of surgery but I feel confident that I am placing myself in good hands! After surgery, I will be seeing him on a regular basis for checkups on my progress and also any health concerns due to my RNY. The importance of my committment to this followup care was greatly stressed. Once insurance approval is given, I will have a short wait till my surgery date, weeks not months. I'm ready!


At first a bit apprehensive. But at the first meeting I was impressed at his honesty in communicating the risks of the surgery.

Dr Mo had a great reputation that came from a few of his patients whom I talked with before choosing him. They were right. He treats each case individually and is willing to answer questions and help with problems.

Also found Mona, Dr Mo's office manager very helpful and also supportive. Mona got my surgery approved by US Healthcare in one week. She also is helpful in getting my questions answered by Dr. Mo. Good gal for sure.

Dr Mo is a very competent surgeon. He impressed my PCP with his written report of my procedure as well as pre op discussions with my PCP about my health history and also my weight loss surgery. Very thorough.

Follow up was absolutely great in the hospital. He even came back in the evening to remove my naso gastric tube. That was special and a real relief to me. That meant I could eat for the first time in 4 days.

So far there is no structured aftercare program. He has told me in general terms what I can eat but no written diet. Fortunately I have done a lot of web research about the diet and have had no problems. I do follow his suggestions about the foods and about chewing stuff and eating slowly. Dr Mo has been very good about having me come back. I have a lump on my incision and he has scheduled me to come back to see what is up. I will be seeing him three days after letting him know of the problem. Not bad time frame in my opinion.

As for Dr Mo's bedside manner. He is brutally honest but in a funny way. He realizes that my surgery was a last resort for me to lose weight and in his own way is supporting me and encouraging me to follow his directions and things will be okay.

Overall, I think Dr Mo is a great surgeon and I would recommend him for anyone if they need surgery of any kind.


I really had a good impression of the doc. and he was really kind and went through everything with me. the office staff is very nice. He addressed all of the risks with me. And he listened to what i had to say or ask and answered my questions.


I have chosen to change surgeons after doing research on the many types of gastric bypass surgeries. I chose not to have the banded procedure which meant changing to a new surgeon. I am having the open standard gastric bypass done now and using Dr. Mohammad El-Hillal. Dr. Hillal is a very competant and professional man. He has been doing this surgery for about 25 years. He has done around 1700 operations. I have spoken to a recent pateint who had nothing but praise for him. I am happy that I have found Dr. Hillal and am now looking forward to my surgery.



it did not



follow the rules

not much


told you everthing

very up to date on the procedure

surgical competence

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