Paul Kemmeter

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 91 ratings

Paul Kemmeter Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

18 yr Experience

19 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

16 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is N/A

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch




Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

Randal Baker Profile Pic
Randal Baker
M.D., F.A.C.S.
James Foote Profile Pic
James Foote
M.D., F.A.C.S.
Derek Nagle Profile Pic
Derek Nagle
M.D., F.A.C.S.

91 Reviews for Paul Kemmeter
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Dr Kemmeter literally saved my life and gave me a new beginning. Because of my new lease on life, I have found new energy, direction and re-prioritized what's important. Dr. Kemmeter and his staff are the most wonderful people I have ever met in my life! They made a scary, life changing event a wonderful experience. From the very first phone call I made to the office, they have been professional, helpful, and most of all, caring. I would, and will recommend Dr.Kemmeter to my friends and family!rnThe encouragement, support and education I have received from Dr.Kemmeter has greatly contributed to my success!\"


I was impressed with Dr. Kemmeter's confidence and encouraging demeanor. He explained everything in detail and answered all of my questions. My surgery went off beautifully with no complications! My aftercare has been very good so far. My questions and phone calls have been answered/returned in a timely fashion and with very good results. I highly recommend Dr. Kemmeter for DS. He practices with Grand Health Parners of Grand Rapids.


He seems very nice and helpful. Everyone in the office is very friendly, and the new office is beautiful. He really emphasized the fact that this is not an \"instant\" cure, and I will definately have to make lifestyle changes in order for this to be successful. He gave me a book that lists everything that I might want to know about the risks of surgery and what to expect after surgery. rnGrand Health Partners have a very structured plan for their patients. They have products that they require us to eat before and after the surgery, and we get every thing right there. They really have their stuff together! The only problem that I have had was it took a while to get all my information together to submit to the insurance.


I was very comfortable with him. That impression did sustain over time. The office staff is great. I wish it would have been easier to speak with the Dr if I had questions rather than the PA. Also, because I was a self pay patient, my surgery was postponed to accommodate another patient's insurance change - I know that because I am related to the other patient. Aftercare is a big emphasis, theirs is very structured. I enjoyed seeing the exercise physiologist. He was very up front about the risks of surgery, especially mentioning that the risk of a leak does not diminish over time. I think he was excellent all around.


When I first met Dr. Kemmeter I was very comfortable with him. He was very informative and made sure all my questions were answered. I have had quite a few complications to say the least post op and Dr. Kemmeter has been there for me through thick and now thin. I want him to know that he is the tops in my book and I graciously thank him for giving me back my life. I would recommend this man do operate on anyone and have. He is the most caring man and a true christian. I really appreciate every thing he has done for me.


I was very pleased with my association with Dr. Kemmeter. His experience and skill is clearly a plus when it comes to the surgery. The thoroughness of the preparation for surgery and the aftercare is another positive. I had a few moments of frustration when trying to get my surgery date scheduled with the staff, but that pales in comparison to my satisfaction with the outcome of the procedure. Dr. Kemmeter's practice represents what I feel is the best kind of program for successful WLS.


My first impression of Dr. Kemmeter is that he was very kind and took his time explaining everything thoroughly about my rny. He has a great sense of humor as well and is also a Christian man, although he doesn't preach at you. He and his staff are meticulous about aftercare leaving me with almost no worries or questions. He carefully addressed the risk of surgery, and his surgical competence is outstanding. I came through my surgery flawlessly. I could not believe how well it wint with almost no problems. I would really recomment him to anyone contemplating gastric by-pass.


Dr. Kemmeter is just the best,.rnHe is a Christian and will pray with you before your surgery if you ask. I am so glad that I chose him. I would highly recommend him to anyone.


I was so happy with Dr. Kemmeter! The big thing is, I could tell he was being honest, and not just trying to speed through my appt. Everybody at MMPC WLC has been great! The one thing I did have a problem with was more the nurses than him. I kind of felt like I was given the run around while trying to schedule my surgery. The nurses are less than helpful when calling with a problem.rnrnBut Dr. Kemmeter was always great, and informative. Caring.


Loved my first impression of him-for one, very dishy:-) Kidding aside, Dr. Kemmeter seems like a down to earth nice man, very polished, intelligent, and did I say nice?! I was treated very respectfully at the first surgeon visit. The deal was sealed after the wonderful behaviorist (Scott Glass) said Dr. Kemmeter is also a man of faith (Christian!) rnrnAll mmpc office staff have been courteous albeit if a bit curt at times, however I'm sure they are just about as busy as one-armed-paper-hangers!rnrnDr. K has really stressed the whole 'this is a tool' philosophy both at orientation and when I had my first meeting with him.rnrnSo far after my experience with Dr. K during orientation, 1st meeting, and endoscopy I would rate him a 10 out of 10 for competence and bedside manner (My hubby really liked him too when he met him at the conclusion of the endoscopy when Dr. K gave DH my aftercare instructions). I really trust my DH's judgement about people-I couldn't wait for him to tell me his impression of Dr. K. The nurses at mmpc have been ABSOLUTELY AWESOME too!rnrnI highly recommend Dr. Kemmeter and mmpc at this juncture of my wls journey!

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