Trent Carlson

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5 out of 5 with 16 ratings

Trent Carlson Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

16 Reviews for Trent Carlson
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Dr. carlson was patient with me in answering all my questions that I had about the procedure he was going to proform on me. he also reassured me that he wasnt going to try to make any mistakes on me and so far he has seen me thru the roughest times and the other times I just toughed them out with the good Lord and my groups. He also has a great nurse that is great to talk to in the time of need also. He provided me with the tools I needed to get thru with all kinds of issues and I have no regrets about choosing him as my surgeon. Yes he told me that it would be of great benefit to go to a support group and that's where I found the use of your website from was my group. He also explained to me that it would be some risks that goes along with any major surgery that fluid could leak in my splein or that death could even be a factor in this situation. I would say that overall that he did a damn good job. I would have to say that both were great in my opinion.


Very caring and real understanding man, he made me feel like this was the 1st step to the rest of my life and a great choice. I still like Dr. carlson and would send any of my friends or family too him. The office help and his staff treated me with the most respect I have seen in awhile. He has a good aftercare program.And he emphasize the aftercare alot. He sat down with me and seem to be very blunt in what could happen to me. and so far I would rate my Dr. from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest, to 10 being the best. He has a Big 10 from me. And for being a surgeon his bedside manner was great. And he is nice looking also.


Dr.Carlson and his staff are very informative about WLS. I had my first visit with Mary on June 2, and my consult with Dr. Carlson on June 8th. He stress the importance of aftercare. I had 2 pages of questions and he answered all of them plus some. To anyone who is considering WLS, I would like to stress the importance of research and to get all the documentation before your first visit.


I met Dr. Carlson on April 29th 2004. He was very nice. He made sure I knew of all the risks and then gave me time to ask questions. He made the situation easy and was a good listener.

5/28 I had my surgery and everything went great (so far i'm a week post op) I was in the hospital four days, on the third day I was doing my laps and thought maybe I had gotten my period and the doctors put in a tampon, I went to the bathroom to investigate and found a cotton ball inside me for no good reason! Dr. Carlson preformed my surgery on a Friday and had the weekend off he said he would see me on Monday to release me, but didn't. His fill in Doctor, Dr. Dunn, was not a good replacement in my oppinion. He was very impersonable and short with me. I wasn't happy about that, but my surgery went well.


I must say first and foremost that Trent Carlson Rocks!!!!!!!!!

I've never been in the hospital in my life and expressed concern since I had no way of knowing what to expect. He made sure to answer my questions, put me at ease, and be straightforward with me. I can respect a person who doesn't bullshit me, and he was as straight a shooter as they come. My Mother was trying to convince me to cancel up till the morning of surgery, but after she met Dr. Carlson, it was all good.

Sometimes its hard to reach him and his staff, but all it usually takes is to leave a voicemail.

I went from initial visit to surgey date in 4 weeks, so I was pretty shocked at that.
week one was initial consult, week 2 was psych eval, week 4 i got my psych eval results on Wednesday, and met with Dr. Carlson Thursday for the consult. The following Tuesday (week 5) Karan called me with the surgery date of may 24, which left me with 4 weeks to prepare.

All I can say is the Surgical staff, the Hospital Staff, The whole process from 0-60 kicked MUCH ass!!!! Iam SO reccomending him to everyone I know.


My first impression of Dr.Carlson was that he seemed intersted and concerned about barriatric surgery history as well as its future growth. He was very pleasant, easy going and reassurring. I was glad he had been doing this for a long time, his history of complications were minimal and his stats were better then the national average. I felt he took his time and answered all my questions with patience. He talked about aftercare and the importance of support and using the after care program . Overall he was easy to talk to and I went away feeling assured going with him as my surgeon.


<font size="4" font face="comic sans ms"><bold>
My first impressing of him was comfort.
I felt like this was my father talking to me
I am pretty young and he said I dont want you to have to deal with this weight any more you are to young to be this heavy, (21years old 360 pounds)<br /><br />

His office staff, is just like anyother gastric bypass office, they rush you off the phone and take 4 calls for them to return one of yours back.<br /><br />

I loved every thing about him, well except for his jungle green suit with matching shoes :)<br /><br />

He tells you the risks are there but he focuses more on the out come of a successful surgery.<br /><br />

over all 100%<br /><br />

bedside is great,he did my surgery on momorial weekend. <br /><br />

My scar is only 4 inches long and a thick as a marker line and very light, he did a fantastic job.<br /><br />


His nurse was very poor at returning my calls. I had to call several times before getting a response. My impression of the Dr. turned very sour after I had to re-have the surgery to repair a leak and He wanted to send me home which I felt was too soon and I told him that I still felt extremely sick and had no energy and he told me that it sounded like a bunch of whining and he was sick and tired of listening to people like me whine and complain all the time. It turned out that I had a very bad abcess in my diaphrahm which he did not catch even though my bloodwork said something was very wrong. I had to have my left lung drained 3 times over the following 2 months because it kept filing up with fluid and I couldn't breathe and finally I wound up at the U. Of M. hospital where my life was saved. It was a nightmare untill I was saved by Dr. Buckwald and his team. This is all my own personal opinions.


I was extremely impressed with Dr. Carlson and his staff. He is very skilled. He is a general surgeon but has been doing bariatric surgery for 20 years. I had no complaints at all. I was impressed with the speed that I got in to see him and have my surgery done. I called him in September '03 and I had my surgery in November '03. I loved the fact that I didn't have to jump through flaming hoops for him to do the surgery for me. I was very educated about it all and he totally respected that and didn't treat me like I knew nothing. I saw his nurse practitioner first, then I saw him and my surgery date was scheduled, that's it. The staff helped me through the whole process and it didn't take a whole lot of effort on my part. He is very caring and gentle and very upbeat. He addressed the risks but didn't dwell on them. He has a very tender bedside manner. When he was to remove my dressing he said, "This is made by 3M so it's gonna hurt." lol I have a scar 5 1/2 inches long because he took my gall bladder out also. But it was glued shut so there is very little scarring. He uses no drains unless it is absolutely neccessary. He has you on solids before you leave the hospital so that was nice. He doesn't do the liquid diets for weeks like some do. He is just a no nonsense guy. I would rate him a 10 out of 10 and recommend him to everyone.


My first impression of Dr. Rupp came on 12 June 2002 at his informational session that he requires his patients to attend to. He was quite thorough,polite and knowledgeable on this surgery, morbid obesity, and he even talked about the development of the surgery itself. He was honest and straightforward and stayed until every question was answered, he didn't have a set time when the meeting was over with, it was when his potential patients were done with their questions. I liked how candid he was about how long it would possibly take to recouperate after the VBG and RNY surgeries and the differences in them both, who would benefit from which, the difficulty of the surgery and any potential problems that could occur. He said that he felt that it was important to have an informational meeting for his patients since it would take so much time to discuss the surgery, it's pros and cons, etc to each individual and he could save so much time and work with his patients instead of taking up time discussing the surgery like he did at the meeting. Joyce, his RN, was the first to speak and she was quite knowledgeable, however I would have liked her to gone into more detail with the insurance aspect, but I believe that she went through it quickly as to give Dr.Rupp more time to speak to us. I'm confident in him and he ahs done this for along time and he is skilled in this surgery, so I know I'm in good hands!
~~~~~~~~~~~~NEW SURGEON~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I switched to Dr. Trent Carlson in February. I looked up his medical license and years of experience with this surgery. I've also been in contact with those who have had him and they said he was a nice man. I met him on 11 March 2003 and he was a very nice man. He has an after care program and he likes to make sure that you aren't doing this surgery for the wrong reasons and that you are a good candidate. He feels that you should be a good listener and ready to learn a whole new way of life. He emphasized that your eating and thought patterns won't change the moment you have the surgery, it's a progressive learning process. He did discuss some problems that could happen and the 2 incidences (spelling?) where one patient had a blockage and they had to go in and do a revision. He asked if I had any questions for him and you know, I really like him and am glad that I chose to go with him, I feel that he is knowledgeable and cares about you and your success.

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