John Pender

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 25 ratings

John Pender Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

10 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 80

Adjustable Gastric Band




25 Reviews for John Pender
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Dr. Pender is very blunt and won't baby coddle you. If you're looking for a doctor that will listen to excuses or pat your hand and say "it's not your fault" this is NOT the doctor for you-- which is why I like him so much.

He tells it like it is, and does so in an informative manner. He's always willing to answer your questions, and his support staff are more than amazing. I'll update this after my surgery, if more needs to be said.

I am now post op, and I have nothing really new to add. He did his job, and that was it. I barely saw him the whole time, but that's okay.


First of all this MY opinion. I know everyone has different opinions so form your own but this may help you somewhat! I had surgery 5/4/11. Dr. Pender is very proffesional and explains things in a very down to earth non "Dr" mode. He usues words you can understand. He is very informative. He isn't the most personable person in the world but I don't want a friend out of him I wan a Dr. So many people today are looking for a Dr. who does what YOU want them to do and if that's what you want he's not your man. He is going to tell you from a Dr.'s point of view the best care for you. I really wanted lap band and he told me I had to much weight to loose and he would not perform it. He said if I really wanted it he would find me a surgeon that would do it (someone who just wanted my $ and didn't care about my well being) He explained when he commited to doing surgery he was in it with me for the long haul and wanted to see me succeed. So I opted for the roux-en-y. My family was very pleased during the entire surgery. My husband was given a "beeper" the could also send texts during the surgery. He said every 30 - 45 minutes he was getting texts with updates on how everything was going. They found an umbilical hernia and fixed that as well. When Dr. Pender came out to talk to my family they told me he sat down in the chair and drew them a diagram and explained step by step exactly what he did and how everything looked including the hernia and why he did what he did. I am very thankful I choose him to be my surgeon. He truely cares about you!!

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We are very pleased with Dr. Pender. My surgery went fine as did my Husbands, my Daughters and My Son inlaws. He did all 4 of us. We are all healthy with no complications and no regrets.
I must say that since my Daughters surgery in June of 08, even his bed side manner has improved. Mus more open and funny and we are very heappy with him and his staff at ECU Physicians. I would recommed him to anyone that is thinking about gastric bypass surgery.
He is honest and straight to the point and does not play games but I like that in a Doctor.


Dr Pender is a great surgeon, he did my mother's surgery January of 2009. no complaints


My mom, not me had gastric bypass by Dr Pender in Oct 09.He told us after that he " had to make her pouch a little smaller than he'd like.. due to her anatomy" ( we hadnt been told any such problem was on the horizon during the prep phase). Then at discharge after surgery the nurse chastises my mom " I cant let you go without your support pillow and incentive spirometer". Turns out she should have had a support pillow to hold over surgical site for comfort and an incentive spirometer to blow into to help her lungs, BUT they had never given her either then they were acting like mom just wasnt using the items they had never given her ( but Im sure she paid for ). Later she was sooo sick, and Pender just say it'll get better. Finally after multiple emergency room visits etc a doctor at kinston did an endoscopy and he came out shaking his head saying " your mother doesnt have a stomach" He actually put in his report " stomach surgically removed". We took mom to Duke for 2nd opinion and they said she does have a pouch but said its the size of " a pinkie fingernail" and that it was gray and had no blood supply or too little blood supply. Long story short the hiatal hernia repair Dr Pender did at the same time as the gastric bypass failed too and Duke redid it. Now mom is 97 lbs, suffering almost every minute , nauseaus at all time despite 4 anti nausea meds. She vomits all the time. Has no quality of life. Only leaves home to go to the doctor. Duke docs plan a reversal if she ever gets strong enough . She worked 40 years and had just retired now all she does is suffer. Also Dr Penders office has somehow dragged their feet when we request records and tried to hinder and delay my mom getting her records ( for example saying " there hasnt been a request" when my mom has requested them). My moms lost alot she cant do anything and is so sad , it is pitiful and hurts us all so much. Please if you are considering surgey try everythinbg else first. I cannot describe what my mom has been through in words except to say I wouldnt wish it on anyone not even Dr Pender who did it to her. My mom taught me better than that. But if God forbid my mom departs us Im going to knock him off his high horse. . I hope that any of you that choose surgery that it goes well for you and makes you healthier. God Bless you all. Please pray for my mom Cathy. In the interest of fairness I will say others have said they had more positive experiences and outcomes with Dr Pender, I am glad for them.


He is nice to people he wants to be nice too over time his true colors of crimson show his staff seems nice but nice and fearful can mimick each other. He is negative and has no bed side manner. if you see him be sure you have a witness to remember what he says. because he will tell you one thing then say he said another. I really dont know what type of of man he is but as a doctor he seemed to be a petulant child. He speaks to people like they are children and overall he treated me like some stupid child. His ego is larger then some of the people he performs surgery on and he could be good but I love life and I love me to lay down and be treated that way. I would never reccomend his services EVER.


Loved Dr. Pender..funny and relaxed. The office staff is awesome, friendly and on the ball. Dr Pender was very informative and cut to the chase told me the facts both good and bad. He didn't make me feel bad for being fat and was understanding of my inability to get much exercise due to arthritis. Great visit and I felt feeling well informed and relaxed.


Well, after meeting with Dr. Pender since my decision to have weight lost surgery, I came to the conclusion that he knows his stuff but he can be a bit of an unfeeling little bastard at times. However, he is not one who would pet you up and make you feel good just for the heck of it. It's all business. Don't get me wrong, he is a great surgeon.


My first impression of Dr Pender was that he was a very serious, no nonsense type of Dr. He was very descriptive of each surgical proceedure.He happily answered all of my questions.I really admired his honesty. I didn't feel intimidated or nervous with him at all. I chose him because of his skill level with bariatric surgeries and his experience.


Dr. Pender is straight forward, smart and to the point--which I like. He has a staff that impressed me from the get go. I feel I have made a good decision with this surgeon and his office--I won't know until after surgery. But I feel confident.

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