Saint John's Hospital

Rating: 2.33333333333 out of 5 with 3 ratings

Saint John's Hospital Hospital

  • Latest Reviews See 3 reviews
    avatar cookiehugz on Nov. 14, 2002 for Saint John's Hospital

    ST. Francis hospital in Roslyn IS GREAT! DONT GO TO ST. JOHNS!! FOR ANYTHING. There are either way to many inexperienced people, people who don't care, or old & bitter! Plust the hospital is very old.

    avatar Heather L. on May 3, 2002 for Saint John's Hospital

    I just want to let everyone know my experience of St. John's. First, the admitting department - unprofessional, although they were respecting my privacy, mainly about my diagnosis, (morbid obesity). But they were complaining how they had not had a break and were understaffed, one More...

    avatar Sandy G. on March 5, 2002 for Saint John's Hospital

    I would never willingly return to that hospital again!!!!!

  • Location
    Queens, NY
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